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ArcScaleNeedleCollection Class

A collection that stores the needles of a particular arc scale.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Gauges

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Gauges.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Gauges


public class ArcScaleNeedleCollection :

The following members return ArcScaleNeedleCollection objects:


Each arc scale can hold a collection of needles returned by the ArcScale.Needles property and represented by the ArcScaleNeedleCollection class. Each collection item is an instance of the ArcScaleNeedle class and can be accessed via the GaugeDependencyObjectCollectionBase<T>.Item property of an ArcScaleNeedleCollection object.

For more information on needles, refer to the Needle (Circular Scale) document.


The following example demonstrates how to customize the needle on a circular scale.

View Example

    <dxga:ArcScaleNeedle x:Name="needle" IsInteractive="True">
            <dxga:ArcScaleNeedleOptions EndOffset="10" />
                NeedleTemplate="{StaticResource OscilloscopeNeedleTemplate}" />
See Also