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LightweightSystemTheme Properties

A WPF lightweight theme that reads the Windows app mode.
Name Description
Assembly Gets information about the assembly that contains the theme. Inherited from LightweightTheme.
BaseName Gets the name of the Base theme. Inherited from LightweightTheme.
Category Gets the user-friendly theme category name. Inherited from LightweightTheme.
CategoryName Gets the theme category name. Inherited from LightweightTheme.
Dark Gets the theme applied for the Dark app mode.
DisplayCategory Gets or sets the user-friendly theme category name. Inherited from LightweightTheme.
DisplayName Gets or sets the user-friendly theme name. Inherited from LightweightTheme.
EffectiveTheme Gets the applied theme (Dark, Light, or HighContrast).
HighContrast Gets the theme applied if the High Contrast option is enabled.
IsPaletteTheme Gets whether the theme is a palette theme. Inherited from LightweightTheme.
IsSystemColorsTheme Gets whether the Windows accent color is applied to the theme.
LargeGlyph Gets or sets the theme’s large icon. Inherited from LightweightTheme.
Light Gets the theme applied for the Light app mode.
Name Gets the theme name. Inherited from LightweightTheme.
Palette Gets the theme color palette. Inherited from LightweightTheme.
PaletteName Gets or sets the name of the predefined palette applied to the theme. Inherited from LightweightTheme.
ShowInThemeSelector Gets or sets whether to display the theme in the theme selector. Inherited from LightweightTheme.
SmallGlyph Gets or sets the theme’s small icon. Inherited from LightweightTheme.
SvgGlyph Gets or sets the theme’s SVG icon. Inherited from LightweightTheme.
SvgPalette Gets or sets the color palette for the SvgGlyph. Inherited from LightweightTheme.
See Also