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Dock Layout Manager: Customize Appearance

  • 9 minutes to read

This topic lists properties that you can use to customize the appearance of layout items.

Run Demo: Dock Layout Manager - Appearance Customization Demo



WPF DockLayoutManager - Layout Panel Caption

Property Description

Gets or sets whether the item’s caption is visible. This is a dependency property.

CaptionTemplate Gets or sets the template used to visualize the current item’s BaseLayoutItem.Caption.
CaptionTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a template applied to the BaseLayoutItem.CaptionTemplate property. This is a dependency property.
ItemHeight Gets or sets the height for the specified BaseLayoutItem object. This is a dependency property.
ItemWidth Gets or sets the width for the specified BaseLayoutItem object. This is a dependency property.

1. Caption Image

Property Description
CaptionImage Gets or sets the image displayed within the item’s Caption. This is a dependency property.

Gets or sets the relative position of an image within the item’s caption. This is a dependency property.

CaptionImageStyle Gets or sets the caption image style. This is a dependency property.
ShowCaptionImage Gets or sets whether the BaseLayoutItem.CaptionImage is visible. This is a dependency property.

2. Caption Text

Property Description
Caption Gets or sets the layout item’s caption.

Gets or sets the format string used to format the layout item’s caption. This is a dependency property.

CaptionTemplate Gets or sets the template used to visualize the current item’s BaseLayoutItem.Caption.
CaptionTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a template applied to the BaseLayoutItem.CaptionTemplate property. This is a dependency property.

3. Pin Button

Gets or sets whether the Pin button is visible.

Tab Caption

WPF DockLayoutManager - Layout Panel Tab Caption

Property Description
TabCaptionHorizontalAlignment Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the item’s tab caption. This is a dependency property.
TabCaptionTemplate Gets or sets a template that defines the tab caption presentation. This is a dependency property.
TabCaptionTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a tab caption template based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
TabCaptionVerticalAlignment Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the item’s tab caption. This is a dependency property.

Gets or sets the width of the corresponding tab. This property is in effect when the current object represents items as tabs or when it represents one of the tabs. This is a dependency property.

1. Tab Caption Image

Gets or sets an image displayed within the layout item caption in a tabbed layout. This is a dependency property.
Gets or sets whether to show an image within a tab caption of the layout item. This is a dependency property.

2. Tab Caption Text

Property Description
TabCaption Gets or sets the layout item’s tab caption.

Gets or sets the format string used to format the layout item’s tab caption. This is a dependency property.

TabCaptionTemplate Gets or sets a template that defines the tab caption presentation. This is a dependency property.
TabCaptionTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a tab caption template based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.


LayoutGroup Appearance Properties


DXDocking Captions And TabCaptions

Use the Appearance property to customize the appearance settings for the item’s caption when it is in the normal and active (selected) states.

The table below lists more customization properties:




Gets or sets the alignment settings of a control(s) displayed by a LayoutControlItem object(s). This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets the format string used to format the layout item’s caption. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets the item Caption‘s horizontal alignment. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets the image displayed within the item’s Caption. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets the relative position of an image within the item’s caption. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets the caption image style. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets the position of the item’s Caption. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets the template used to visualize the current item’s BaseLayoutItem.Caption.


Gets or sets an object that chooses a template applied to the BaseLayoutItem.CaptionTemplate property. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the item’s caption. This is a dependency property.





Gets or sets the format string used to format the layout item’s tab caption. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the item’s tab caption. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets an image displayed within the layout item caption in a tabbed layout. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets a template that defines the tab caption presentation. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets an object that chooses a tab caption template based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the item’s tab caption. This is a dependency property.






Gets or sets the size of the item when it is floating. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets whether the minimize button is shown in the LayoutPanel. This property is supported for floating panels. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets a title displayed for the current float group in the Windows Taskbar. This is an attached property.


Gets or sets an icon displayed for the current float group in the Windows Taskbar. This is an attached property.





Gets or sets the time, in milliseconds, required to open/close an auto-hidden panel belonging to the current group. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets the size of panels belonging to the current AutoHideGroup, in pixels. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets the panel’s position when it is hidden. This is an attached property.


Gets or sets the DockLayoutManager‘s side to which the AutoHideGroup is docked. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets how an auto-hidden panel is expanded. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets the mode that specifies how auto-hidden panels are displayed relative to other panels when expanded. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets whether auto-hide and floating panels should be displayed over a WindowsFormsHost element. This is a dependency property.





Gets or sets whether the only dock panel within the TabbedGroup should display its tab.


Gets or sets how the LayoutGroup displays the tab headers corresponding to the group’s child items. This property is in effect if the current group displays child items as tabs. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets how the tab headers are scrolled while selecting tabs when tab headers could not fit into the header panel. This is a dependency property.


Property Description
MDIStyle Gets or sets how the DocumentGroup displays its child panels, as floating windows or as tabs. This is a dependency property.
MDISize Gets or sets the size of an MDI child panel. This property is in effect when the group’s DocumentGroup.MDIStyle property is set to MDI. This is an attached property.
PinLocation Specifies where the pinned tabbed DocumentPanel is located. This is an attached property.

Gets or sets whether the Pin button on the tabbed DocumentPanel is visible. This is an attached and a dependency property.


Gets or sets whether the object assigned to the BaseLayoutItem.ControlBoxContent property is visible. This is a dependency property.

ControlBoxContentTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines how the object assigned to the BaseLayoutItem.ControlBoxContent property is displayed onscreen. This is a dependency property.


Property Description

Gets or sets whether the item’s caption is visible. This is a dependency property.

CaptionLocation Gets or sets the position of the item’s Caption. This is a dependency property.
CaptionTemplate Gets or sets the template used to visualize the current item’s BaseLayoutItem.Caption.
CaptionTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a template applied to the BaseLayoutItem.CaptionTemplate property. This is a dependency property.
CaptionHorizontalAlignment Gets or sets the item Caption‘s horizontal alignment. This is a dependency property.

Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the item’s caption. This is a dependency property.

CaptionImage Gets or sets the image displayed within the item’s Caption. This is a dependency property.

Gets or sets the relative position of an image within the item’s caption. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets the alignment settings of a control(s) displayed by a LayoutControlItem object(s). This is a dependency property.


Property Description
Orientation Gets a SeparatorItem‘s orientation. This is a dependency property.
ItemHeight Gets or sets the height for the specified BaseLayoutItem object. This is a dependency property.
ItemWidth Gets or sets the width for the specified BaseLayoutItem object. This is a dependency property.


Property Description
Orientation Gets a LayoutSplitter‘s orientation. This is a dependency property.
ItemHeight Gets or sets the height for the specified BaseLayoutItem object. This is a dependency property.
ItemWidth Gets or sets the width for the specified BaseLayoutItem object. This is a dependency property.


Property Description
ItemHeight Gets or sets the height for the specified BaseLayoutItem object. This is a dependency property.
ItemWidth Gets or sets the width for the specified BaseLayoutItem object. This is a dependency property.
Background Gets or sets the layout item’s background color.


Property Description
ContentHorizontalAlignment Gets or sets a horizontal alignment for a Label Item’s LabelItem.Content. This is a dependency property.

Gets or sets a DataTemplate object to visualize a LabelItem.Content object. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets an object that chooses a LabelItem.ContentTemplate used to visualize objects defined as a Label Item’s LabelItem.Content.

This is a dependency property.

ContentVerticalAlignment Gets or sets a vertical alignment for a Label Item’s LabelItem.Content. This is a dependency property.