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Layout UI Items

  • 4 minutes to read

A Layout Item contains a labeled UIElement. You can organize Layout Items into automatically-aligned Layout Groups to build user-friendly and customizable entry forms.

WPF DockLayoutManager - Layout UI Items

Run Demo: Dock Layout Manager - Layout UI

View Example: Use Layout UI Items to Build a Control Layout


The LayoutGroup object is a container that arranges its items either vertically or horizontally. The LayoutGroup class can contain a LayoutControlItem and/or other LayoutGroup objects.

WPF DockLayoutManager - LayoutGroup with LayoutControlItems

Run Demo: Dock Layout Manager - Layout Groups


The LayoutControlItem object is a wrapper class that displays a label next to a UIElement. A LayoutControlItem object aligns its child controls to its left edge.

WPF DockLayoutManager - LayoutControlItems

You can place the LayoutControlItem only inside LayoutGroup.

Specify Content

Use the LayoutControlItem.Control property to specify the LayoutControlItem‘s content. In XAML, any element that is declared between the LayoutControlItem start and end tags initializes the Control property.

<dxdo:LayoutControlItem Caption="Title">


WPF DockLayoutManager - SeparatorItem

The SeparatorItem object is a line that you can place between neighboring UI elements to improve the display of your application’s layout.


The LayoutSplitter object allows you to resize a layout item at runtime.

WPF DockLayoutManager - LayoutSplitter


The EmptySpaceItem object is an element that adds a whitespace to your layout.

WPF DockLayoutManager - SeparatorItem


The LabelItem object is a label that displays custom text.

Customize Layout Control Item and Layout Groups


The following table lists the properties that allow you to customize a LayoutControlItem / LayoutGroup‘s label:

Property Description
BaseLayoutItem.Caption Gets or sets a label next to the item’s control.
BaseLayoutItem.ShowCaption Gets or sets whether the item’s label is displayed.
BaseLayoutItem.CaptionFormat Gets or sets the item label’s custom format string.
BaseLayoutItem.CaptionLocation Gets or sets the position of the item’s caption.


Property Description
BaseLayoutItem.CaptionImage Gets or sets an image that is displayed next to the item’s control.
BaseLayoutItem.CaptionImageLocation Gets or sets the item’s image location.

Control’s Alignment

The LayoutControlItem and LayoutGroup classes inherit the BaseLayoutItem.CaptionAlignMode property that allows you to customize a control’s alignment.

Run Demo: WPF DockLayoutManager - Caption Align Mode Demo


  1. Do not combine dock and layout items within a single LayoutGroup.

  2. Do not combine LayoutGroups that contain dock items with groups that contain layout items. If you need to arrange layout items next to dock items, add the layout items into a LayoutPanel.

  3. Do not use dock items outside the DockLayoutManager control.

  4. Do not add LayoutControlItems in LayoutPanels. Instead, wrap LayoutControlItems with a LayoutGroup and then add the LayoutGroup in a LayoutPanel:

                <!-- ... -->

Runtime Layout Customization

Your users can use Customization Mode and the Customization Window to customize the layout of controls at runtime.

Customization Mode

WPF DockLayoutManager - Customization Mode

Run Demo: Dock Layout Manager - Customization Mode

Customization Mode Availability

Use the DockLayoutManager.AllowCustomization property to specify whether Customization Mode can be enabled.

Enable Customization Mode

You can enable this mode in any of the following ways:

When Customization Mode is run, the Customization Window is opened.

Disable Customization Mode

Use any of the following to disable Customization Mode:

Customization Window

The Customization Window is displayed when Customization Mode is enabled.

WPF DockLayoutManager - Customization Window

Hide Customization Window

Call the DockLayoutManager.HideCustomizationForm method to hide the Customization Window but do not disable customization mode.

Restore Customization Window

Call the DockLayoutManager.ShowCustomizationForm method to restore the Customization Window.

Show/Hide Invisible Items

The Customization Window contains the Show invisible items checkbox that specifies whether the Customization Window displays hidden layout UI items. The DockLayoutManager‘s item is hidden if its Visibility property is Hidden or Collapsed. The Show invisible items checkbox value is bound to the ShowInvisibleItems property value.

The following table lists possible Show invisible items checkbox states and the display status of the DockLayoutManager‘s invisible layout items:

Show invisible items state Display status
checked Always displayed
unchecked Hidden
indeterminate (default state) Displayed when the Customization Window is invoked

Save and Restore Layout

The Customization Window contains the Save and Restore buttons that allow your users to save the DockLayoutManager‘s layout to an XML file and then restore it. When they click the save/restore button, the save/open file dialog is opened. In the dialog, they can specify the name and location of the file that contains the DockLayoutManager‘s layout.

Refer to the following topic for more information on how to save and restore the DockLayoutManager‘s layout in code: Save and Restore the Layout of Dock Panels and Controls.

Specify a Layout Item’s Caption

Specify the layout item’s CustomizationCaption property to set its caption displayed in the Customization Window.

See Also