Dock Layout Manager: Examples
- 3 minutes to read
#Dock UI
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Create a Complex Layout of Dock Panels
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Create a DocumentGroup with Two Tabs
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Create Auto-Hidden Panels
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Create Closed (Hidden) Panels
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Create Floating Panels in XAML
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Customize a Panel’s Context Menu
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Dock a Panel To Another Panel in Code
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Arrange Items Horizontally and Vertically
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Associate a DockLayoutManager’s Command With a Button
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Enable MDI Mode for a DocumentGroup
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Load an External Window or UserControl into a DocumentPanel
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Populate Tabs with Items
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Build a Layout Similar to Visual Studio
Refer to the following topic for more information on dock UI: Dock UI Items.
#Layout UI
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Build a Layout UI
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Move a Layout Item in Code
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Add LayoutPanels and Hide Them
Refer to the following topic for more information on layout UI: Layout UI Items.
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Bind the View Model Collection with IMVVMDockingProperties
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Bind the View Model Collection with LayoutAdapters
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Populate a DockLayoutManager LayoutGroup with the ViewModels collection
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Use Services That Implement the IDocumentManagerService Interface
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Use IMVVMDockingProperties Interface to Build Dock UI with the MVVM Pattern
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Use LayoutAdapter to Build a Layout UI with MVVM Pattern
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Define Prism Regions for Dock Layout Manager Elements
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Generate a Dock UI with the MVVM Design Pattern
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Insert PRISM Regions into DockLayoutManager Panels
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Pin/Unpin LayoutPanels in MVVM
Refer to the following topic for more information on MVVM support: MVVM Support - Bind to a Collection of Dock Panels.
#Save/Restore Layout
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Serialize DockLayoutManager When You Use the TabbedDocumentUIService
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Save and Restore the DockLayoutManager’s Layout
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Serialize Custom Panels and Their Properties
Refer to the following topic for more information on serialization: Save and Restore the Layout of Dock Panels and Controls.
#MDI Merging
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Merge Bars in Controls That Support Automatic Merging
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Automatically Merge Ribbon Controls
Refer to the following topic for more information on MDI merging: Merge Bars and Ribbons in MDI Mode.
#Customize Appearance
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Change the DocumentPanel Header Backgrounds
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Use Events to Dynamically Customize Context Menus
- WPF Dock Layout Manager - Limit LayoutGroup Customization at Runtime
See Also