Dock and Layout Manager
- 3 minutes to read
The DevExpress WPF Dock Layout Manager allows you to create Microsoft Visual Studio-inspired Dock Window interfaces.
The DockLayoutManager class includes APIs designed to implement dock-based user interfaces and construct the necessary control layout.
#Dock UI
The DockLayoutManager allows you to layout individual controls within docked panels.
Refer to the following topic for more information on the available panels and groups: Dock UI Items.
If you only need to dock multiple simple panels to either side of your window and do not require advanced Visual Studio-like features (Bar/Ribbon Merging in MDI mode, Document Selector), use the Dock Layout Control instead.
#Multi-Document Interfaces (MDI)
You can use document panels and groups to build MDI applications. Child documents can use a classic MDI layout or form a tabbed container.
If child windows include toolbar or Ribbon controls, DockLayoutManager can merge those commands into the parent window’s command bar. Refer to the following topics for additional information:
If using Ribbons instead of traditional toolbars, refer to the following topic for more information: MDI Ribbon Merging.
#Layout UI
The DockLayoutManager allows you to layout controls within an individual layout panel.
Refer to the following topic for more information on available layout UI items: Layout UI Items.
If you wish to create/layout your user interface without docked panels, consider the use of the DevExpress Layout Control instead.
#Layout Management in Panels
End-users can use Customization Mode and the Customization Window to modify, save, and restore application layout at runtime.
#Built-in Document and Panel Selector
End-users can press hotkeys to quickly cycle through layout and document panels. Refer to the following topic for more information: Document Selector.
#MVVM Support
Refer to the following topic to learn more about dock-based user interfaces and the MVVM architectural pattern: MVVM Support - Bind to a Collection of Dock Panels.
#Save and Restore the Layout of Dock Panels and Controls
You can save the layout of dock panels alongside the layout of controls within panels/groups to a data store (an XML file or stream). Once saved, you can restore the layout from this data store as needs dictate.
Refer to the following topic for more information: Save and Restore the Layout of Dock Panels and Controls.
#Useful Resources
- Dock Layout Manager: Get Started Topics
- This section contains topics that explain the essential concepts of the Dock Windows interfaces.
- Manage Dock Panels in Code
- Describes how to perform various operations (create, remove, move, and so on) on dock panels in code.
- Visual Elements
- This topic describes visual element types that are included in the DockLayoutManager control.
- Customize Appearance
- This topic lists properties that you can use to customize the appearance of layout items.
- Performance Enhancements
- This topic contains recommendations that help you to improve Dock Layout Manager performance.
- WPF and WinForms Interoperation Limitations
- Describes how to resolve possible issues when you import WinForms controls into WPF applications.
- Examples
- A set of detailed task-based examples.