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TdxSpreadSheetTextService.CalculateSize(TdxSpreadSheetCell,TcxCanvas,TRect,Boolean,PInteger,PInteger,TdxSpreadSheetCellStyleHandle) Method

Calculates dimensions of the area occupied by the specified cell’s value.


class procedure CalculateSize(ACell: TdxSpreadSheetCell; ACanvas: TcxCanvas; const ABounds: TRect; AIsMerged: Boolean; AWidth: PInteger; AHeight: PInteger; AStyle: TdxSpreadSheetCellStyleHandle = nil); virtual;


Name Type
ACell TdxSpreadSheetCell
ACanvas TcxCanvas
ABounds TRect
AIsMerged Boolean
AWidth PInteger
AHeight PInteger
AStyle TdxSpreadSheetCellStyleHandle


This class procedure supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

See Also