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TdxSpreadSheetCell Methods

A logical cell designed to store, arrange, and process data within a Table View worksheet.
Name Description
Assign(TdxDynamicListItem) Copies the specified item’s content to the current dynamic list item. Inherited from TdxDynamicListItem.
Clear Deletes the cell object’s current value.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetAbsoluteBounds Returns the absolute coordinates (in pixels) of the current cell object‘s boundaries in the Table View worksheet.
GetAsError protected Returns the cell object’s error status.
GetAsFloat protected Returns the cell object’s stored data as a floating point value.
GetAsFormulaObject Returns a parsed formula expression associated with the cell object.
GetAsRTF(string) Retrieves the cell object’s formatted content as an RTF string.
GetAsVariant protected Returns the cell object’s stored data as a Variant value.
GetDataType Returns the data type of the cell object’s current value.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetIsEmpty Identifies if the cell object contains a value.
GetReference(Boolean,TdxSpreadSheetCellReferenceOptions) Returns a reference to the current cell object.
IsNumericValue Identifies if the cell object contains a numeric value.
QueryInterface(TGUID,Untyped) protected Provides access to the implementation of the specified interface if the current object supports it. Inherited from TcxIUnknownObject.
SetAsRTF(string) Replaces the cell object’s value with a formatted RTF string.
SetText(string,Boolean) Assigns an unformatted text string or formula expression to the cell.
ShiftIndex(Integer) protected Changes the item’s index within the dynamic list by the specified value. Inherited from TdxDynamicListItem.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also