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TdxSpreadSheetCell Properties

A logical cell designed to store, arrange, and process data within a Table View worksheet.
Name Description
AsBoolean Specifies the cell object’s Boolean value.
AsCurrency Specifies the cell object’s Currency value.
AsDateTime Specifies the cell object’s date/time value.
AsError Specifies the cell object’s error status.
AsFloat Specifies the cell object’s floating point value.
AsFormula Provides access to the parsed formula expression associated with the cell object.
AsInteger Specifies the cell object’s integer value.
AsSharedString This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
AsString Specifies the cell object’s string value.
AsVariant Specifies the cell object’s Variant value.
Column Specifies the column object that hosts the cell object.
ColumnIndex Specifies a zero-based index of the column that hosts the cell object.
DataType Returns the data type of the cell object’s current value.
DisplayText Returns a text string corresponding to the cell object’s actual formatted value.
DisplayValue Returns the cell object‘s actual displayed value.
HasValue Identifies if the cell object stores a value.
Index Returns the item’s zero-based index within the dynamic list. Inherited from TdxDynamicListItem.
IsEmpty Specifies if the cell object is empty.
IsFormula Identifies if the cell object as a parsed formula expression.
IsMerged Identifies if the cell object is a part of a merged cell.
Row Specifies the row object that hosts the cell object.
RowIndex Specifies a zero-based index of the row that hosts the cell object.
ShowFormula Specifies if the cell displays a source text of the cell object’s formula expression.
SpreadSheet Returns the control instance to which the cell object belongs.
Style Provides access to the cell object’s appearance and behavior settings.
View Provides access to the Table View worksheet to which the cell object belongs.
See Also