TdxCustomSpreadSheet.OnHyperlinkExecute Event
property OnHyperlinkExecute: TdxSpreadSheetHyperlinkExecuteEvent read; write;
This event occurs every time the control is about to:
Navigate to display the cell range to which the executed hyperlink is referring;
Open an external hyperlink target in the default web browser or mail client application, depending on the URI scheme of the executed hyperlink’s reference.
Handle the OnHyperlinkExecute event to override or complement the default activation routines for all or only specifc hyperlinks in a spreadsheet document that you can identify by their hints, anchor texts, references, and indexes within a worksheet’s hyperlink collection. For instance, you can identify a hyperlink as external and forbid end-users to open it, or invoke a notification or confirmation message box on clicking the hyperlink. The following code example implements an OnHyperlinkExecute event handler that allows you to open only internal hyperlinks in a spreadsheet:
procedure TMyForm.dxSpreadSheet1HyperlinkExecute(Sender: TdxCustomSpreadSheet; AHyperlink: TdxSpreadSheetHyperlink; var AHandled: Boolean);
if AHyperlink.ValueType <> hvtReference then // If the activated hyperlink is not internal...
AHandled := True; // Prevents hyperlink execution
Refer to the TdxSpreadSheetHyperlinkExecuteEvent procedural type description for detailed information on all parameters accessible within an OnHyperlinkExecute event handler.
A hyperlink’s Execute procedure call raises the On