TdxCustomSpreadSheet.OnPageControlNewTabButtonClick Event
In This Article
Enables you to prevent the control from creating a new worksheet in response to a click on the “Add Sheet” button.
property OnPageControlNewTabButtonClick: TdxSpreadSheetPageControlNewTabButtonClickEvent read; write;
This event occurs every time a user clicks the “Add Sheet” button on the caption bar. You can assign True to the AHandled parameter within an OnPageControlNewTabButtonClick event handler to forbid a user to create a new worksheet in this manner under certain conditions.
procedure TMyForm.dxSpreadSheet1PageControlNewTabButtonClick(ASpreadSheet: TdxCustomSpreadSheet; var AHandled: Boolean);
if(ASpreadSheet.SheetCount > 3) then // If there are more than three worksheets in an opened document
AHandled := True; // A click on the "Add Sheet" button has no effect
Refer to the TdxSpreadSheetPageControlNewTabButtonClickEvent procedural type description for detailed information on all parameters accessible within an OnPageControlNewTabButtonClick event handler.
See Also