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TdxCustomSpreadSheet.OnSelectionChanged Event

Enables you to respond to any changes made to the worksheet content selection.


property OnSelectionChanged: TNotifyEvent read; write;


This event occurs every time:

Use the Sender parameter to refer to the worksheet that raised the event. Cast the parameter to its actual type (TdxSpreadSheetTableView, for instance) to access worksheet’s properties and methods. The OnSelectionChanged event is particularly useful if you need to implement the custom spreadsheet content protection mechanism, such as preventing only certain columns or rows from accidental modifications. The following code example shows how to prevent value editing in any cell within the second (that is, B) worksheet column.

TMySpreadSheetForm.dxSpreadSheet1SelectionChanged(Sender: TObject);
  ATableView: TdxSpreadSheetTableView;
  ATableView := Sender as TdxSpreadSheetTableView;  // Casts the Sender parameter to the actual worksheet type to make its members accessible
  if ATableView.Selection.FocusedColumn = 1 then  // Specifies the worksheet content protection conditions (that is, the required selection state)
    ATableView.OptionsProtection.&Protected := True  // Enables protection
  else  // If the specified worksheet protection conditions are not met...
    ATableView.OptionsProtection.&Protected := False;  // Disables protection

Refer to the Worksheet Protection topic for detailed information on the worksheet protection mechanism provided by the Spreadsheet and Report Designer controls out-of-the-box.

See Also