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TdxCloudStorageFile Methods

A metadata container corresponding to an individual file stored on a connected online cloud storage’s server.
Name Description
CopyTo(TdxCloudStorageFolder) Copies the online resource to the specified folder within the same cloud file storage. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
Delete Deletes the online resource. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
DownloadContent Downloads the stored file’s content.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetExtension Returns the filename extension corresponding to the stored file’s format.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
IsFolder Identifies if the online resource is a folder. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
MoveTo(TdxCloudStorageFolder) Moves the online resource to the specified folder. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
MoveToTrash Moves the online resource to the “Trash” special folder. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
RestoreFromTrash Restores the online resource from the “Trash” special folder. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
UploadContent(TStream) Replaces the stored file’s content with data within the specified stream.
See Also