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TdxCloudStorage.UploadFile(TdxCloudStorageFolder,string,TdxCloudStorageFileProgressCallback,Boolean) Method

Uploads a locally stored file to the cloud storage.


function UploadFile(AParent: TdxCloudStorageFolder; const AFileName: string; AProgressCallback: TdxCloudStorageFileProgressCallback = nil; AOverwriteIfExists: Boolean = True): TdxCloudStorageFile; overload;


Name Type Description
AParent TdxCloudStorageFolder

A cloud folder metadata container that corresponds to the target folder.

AFileName string

The path to a file on the local machine.

AProgressCallback TdxCloudStorageFileProgressCallback

A callback procedure that tracks file upload progress.

AOverwriteIfExists Boolean

If True, the function overwrites the matching file in the cloud storage; otherwise, the function just returns the metadata container of an existing file.


Type Description

A cloud file metadata container that corresponds to the uploaded file.


The following code example uploads the Image.jpg file in the application’s Images folder to the corresponding folder in a connected cloud storage.

  ARoot: TdxCloudStorageRoot;
  AImagesFolder: TdxCloudStorageFolder;
  I: Integer;
  AFound: Boolean;
  AFound := False;
  ARoot := dxCloudStorage1.Files.Root;
  // Iterates through all files at the first nesting level of the cloud storage root
  for I := 0 to ARoot.Children.Count - 1 do
      // Checks if a cloud folder with the "Images" name is found
      if(ARoot.Children.Items[I].Name = 'Images') then  
        AFound := True;
        // Uploads the Image.jpg file to the Images folder on the cloud storage server
        dxCloudStorage1.UploadFile(ARoot.Children.Items[I], 'Images/Image.jpg');
        break;  // Exits the cycle once the file is uploaded
  if (not AFound) then // If the "Images" folder is not found
    // Creates a new folder named "Images" in the storage root
    AImagesFolder := dxCloudStorage1.CreateFolder(dxCloudStorage1.Files.Root, 'Images');
    if (AImagesFolder <> nil) then
      dxCloudStorage1.UploadFile(AImagesFolder, 'Images/Image.jpg');

You can also implement a callback procedure and pass it as the AProgressCallback optional parameter to track file upload progress. Refer to the TdxCloudStorageFileProgressCallback procedural type description for details. The UploadFile procedure overwrites a file with the matching name in a destination folder. You can pass False as the AOverwriteIfExists optional parameter to preserve a file with the matching name and return the metadata container corresponding to the preserved file.


The UploadFile function always runs in the same thread from which it is called.

See Also