TdxBarManager Members
A bar manager.Constructors
Name | Description |
Create(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
Name | Description |
AllowCallFromAnotherForm | Enables a user to activate items of the main application form when another application form is focused. |
AllowReset | Specifies whether an end-user can restore a selected toolbar. |
AlwaysMerge | Specifies when a merge mechanism for toolbars and menus of parent and child MDI windows is enabled. |
AlwaysSaveText | Determines whether the text that has been typed in an editor is saved when it loses focus. |
AutoAlignBars | Specifies whether toolbars within the same row are automatically aligned to each other, ensuring no gaps between them. |
AutoDockColor | Specifies whether a dock control has the color of the parent form‘s background. |
AutoHideEmptyBars | Specifies whether the current bar manager’s toolbars with invisible items are visible. |
Backgrounds | Specifies the background bitmaps used by the current bar manager’s toolbars and submenus. |
BarControlFocused protected | Determines if the current bar manager has a focused toolbar control. |
Bars | Provides access to a collection of the current bar manager’s toolbars. |
BarsLoading | Specifies whether the toolbars of the current bar manager is being loaded. |
BiDiMode | |
ButtonArrowWidth | Specifies the width of dropdown buttons which belong to the current bar manager’s buttons in pixels. |
CanCustomize | Specifies whether the current bar manager’s toolbars can be customized at runtime. |
Categories | Provides access to the bar manager’s categories. |
CategoryItemsVisible | Specifies whether the items of a particular category are visible. |
CategoryVisible | Specifies whether a particular category is visible. |
ComObject | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentCount | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentIndex | Inherited from TComponent. |
Components | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentState | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentStyle | Inherited from TComponent. |
DefaultPainter | Provides access to the default painter used to paint toolbar controls and dock controls on a graphic surface. |
DesignInfo | Inherited from TComponent. |
Designing | Indicates whether the bar manager is in design mode. |
DisabledImages | This property is obsolete, use the ImageOptions.DisabledImages property instead. |
DisabledLargeImages | This property is obsolete, use the ImageOptions.DisabledLargeImages property instead. |
DockColor | Specifies the color of dock controls within the current bar manager. |
DockControlCount | Returns a count of the dock controls that belong to the current bar manager. |
DockControls | Returns a particular dock control in a bar manager’s collection of dock controls. |
Dragging protected | Indicates whether the current bar manager’s item is being dragged. |
DraggingItem protected | Specifies the current bar manager’s item whose control is being dragged. |
DraggingItemLink protected | Specifies the item link of the item control that is being dragged. |
FakeComponentLink1 | Inherited from TcxComponent. |
FakeComponentLink2 | Inherited from TcxComponent. |
FakeComponentLink3 | Inherited from TcxComponent. |
FlatCloseButton | Specifies the border style of the Close button on the current bar manager’s main menu. |
FocusedBarControl protected | Specifies the focused toolbar control. |
Font | Specifies the font of the current bar manager’s items, toolbars, popup menus, hints and the Customization Form. |
GroupCount | Returns a count of the groups that belong to the current bar manager. |
Groups | Provides access to the item group collection. |
HelpButtonGlyph | Specifies a bitmap which appears on the Help button in the Customization Form. |
HelpContext | Specifies the numeric ID of a context-sensitive help topic for the Help button. |
HideFloatingBarsWhenInactive | Specifies whether floating toolbars are hidden when the form which contains the current bar manager is inactive. |
HotImages | This property is obsolete, use the ImageOptions.HotImages property instead. |
ImageListBkColor | This property is obsolete, use the ImageOptions.ImageListBkColor property instead. |
ImageOptions | Specifies bar item image options. |
Images | This property is obsolete, use the ImageOptions.Images property instead. |
IniFileName | Specifies the name of the INI file in which the current bar manager’s settings are stored. |
InternalDockControls | |
IsCustomizing | Indicates if the current bar manager is being customized. |
IsDesigning | Inherited from TcxComponent. |
IsDestroying | Inherited from TcxComponent. |
IsLoading | Inherited from TcxComponent. |
IsMDIMaximized | Returns True when the currently active MDI child window is maximized. |
ItemCount | Returns the number of toolbar items in the bar manager collection. |
Items | Provides indexed access to toolbar items in the bar manager collection. |
LargeButtonArrowWidth | Specifies the width of dropdown buttons which belong to the current bar manager’s large buttons in pixels. |
LargeIcons | This property is obsolete, use the ImageOptions.LargeIcons property instead. |
LargeImages | This property is obsolete, use the ImageOptions.LargeImages property instead. |
LockUpdate | Enables or disables updating of the current bar manager. |
LookAndFeel | Specifies the look and feel of bars. |
MainForm | Provides access to the bar manager’s parent form. |
MainMenuBar | Returns the current bar manager’s toolbar that represents a main menu. |
MainMenuControl | Returns the current bar manager’s toolbar control that represents a main menu. |
MakeDisabledImagesFaded | This property is obsolete, use the ImageOptions.MakeDisabledImagesFaded properety instead. |
MasterForm | Determines the root parent window of the current bar manager. |
MenuAnimations | Specifies menu animation effects. |
MenusShowRecentItemsFirst | Determines whether the most recently used items are placed in menus above all others. |
Modified | Determines whether a user has made changes to the layout of the current bar manager’s toolbars and item controls. |
MostRecentItemsPercents | Specifies the border (in percentage) between the most recently used and the remaining menu item controls. |
Name | Inherited from TComponent. |
NotDocking | Specifies restrictions on docking toolbars. |
Observers | Inherited from TComponent. |
Owner | Indicates the component that is responsible for streaming and freeing the current bar manager. |
PainterClass | Provides access to the painter class used to paint the current bar manager’s toolbars and their items. |
ParentBarManager | Determines the parent bar manager. |
ParentForm | Determines the parent window of the current bar manager. |
PixelsPerInch protected | Returns the DPI value corresponding to the component’s current scaling factor. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent. |
PopupMenuLinks | Provides access to the collection of linked controls and toolbar popup menus. |
RegistryPath | Specifies the registry path where the current bar manager’s settings can be stored. |
Scalable protected | Specifies if the component’s content should be scaled. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent. |
Scaled | Deprecated. Specifies if the bar manager’s font size scales according to the target monitor’s DPI. |
ScaleFactor protected | Returns the component’s scale factor. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent. |
SelectedItem | Specifies the selected toolbar item control. |
ShowCloseButton | Specifies whether the Close button is displayed on the current bar manager’s main menu. |
ShowFullMenusAfterDelay | Determines whether hidden items, which have not been used recently, are automatically displayed in a menu after a delay. |
ShowHelpButton | Specifies whether the Help button is displayed on the Customization Form. |
ShowHint | Determines whether a help Hint is displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the current bar manager’s items. |
ShowHintForDisabledItems | Specifies whether to show a hint for disabled items. |
ShowShortCutInHint | Determines if item shortcuts are displayed with item hints. |
StoreInIniFile | Specifies whether the current bar manager’s settings should be stored in an INI file. |
StoreInRegistry | Specifies whether the current bar manager’s settings are stored in the registry. |
StretchGlyphs | This property is obsolete, use the ImageOptions.StretchGlyphs property instead. |
Style | Specifies bar paint style. |
SunkenBorder | Specifies the border style of the current bar manager’s dock controls. |
Tag | Inherited from TComponent. |
UseBarHintWindow | Specifies the settings to apply to hints. |
UseF10ForMenu | Specifies whether the current bar manager responds to the F10 key press event. |
UseFullReset | Specifies which settings are restored when a toolbar is reset. |
UseLargeImagesForLargeIcons | This property is obsolete, use the ImageOptions.UseLargeImagesForLargeIcons property instead. |
UseSystemFont | Specifies the font used by the current bar manager to draw the toolbar controls. |
VCLComObject | Inherited from TComponent. |
WaitForDockingTime | Determines how quickly (in milliseconds) a floating toolbar is docked. |
Name | Description |
ActivateHint(Boolean,string,TObject) | For internal use only. |
ActiveMDIChild | |
AddButton | Creates a TdxBarButton and adds it to the current bar manager. |
AddItem(TdxBarItemClass) | Creates an instance of the AClass item and adds it to the current bar manager. |
AddSubItem | Creates a TdxBarSubItem and adds it to the current bar manager. |
AddToolBar(Boolean,Boolean) | Creates a new toolbar instance and adds it to the current bar manager. |
Assign(TPersistent) | Inherited from TPersistent. |
AssignTo(TPersistent) | Inherited from TPersistent. |
BarByCaption(string) | Returns a toolbar by its caption. |
BarByComponentName(string) | Returns a toolbar by its name. |
BarByOldName(string) | Returns a toolbar by the name used in previous versions of the ExpressBars Suite. |
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayFunctionEvent,Untyped[],TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayProc,Untyped[],TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayProcedureEvent,Untyped[],TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke(TAsyncFunctionEvent,TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke(TAsyncProcedureEvent,TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke(TProc,TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke<TResult>(TAsyncConstArrayFunc<TResult>,Untyped[],TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke<TResult>(TFunc<TResult>,TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginUpdate | Prevents a bar manager from being updated until the EndUpdate method is called. |
CanShowRecentItems | Determines whether the recently used items of the current bar manager’s toolbars can be displayed. |
ChangeScale(Integer,Integer) protected | Scales the component and the associated controls and/or UI elements using the specified numerator and denominator values. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent. |
CreateGroup | Creates an item group. |
Customizing(Boolean) | Displays or closes the toolbar’s Customization Form. |
DeleteToolBar(TdxBar,Boolean) | Deletes the ABar toolbar. |
DestroyComponents | Inherited from TComponent. |
Destroying | Inherited from TComponent. |
DoBarAfterReset(TdxBar) protected | Fires the OnBarAfterReset event. |
DoBarBeforeReset(TdxBar) protected | Fires the OnBarBeforeReset event. |
DoBarClose(TdxBar) protected | Fires the OnBarClose event. |
DoBarDockingStyleChanged(TdxBar) protected | Fires the OnBarDockingStyleChange event. |
DoClickItem(TdxBarItem) protected | Fires the OnClickItem event. |
DoCloseButtonClick protected | Fires the OnCloseButtonClick event. |
DoDocking(TdxBar,TdxBarDockingStyle,TdxDockControl) protected | Checks whether a toolbar can be moved and fires the OnDocking event. |
DoMDIButtonCommand(TdxBarMDIButton) | |
DoShowCustomizingPopup(TdxBarItemLinks) protected | Fires the OnShowCustomizingPopup event. |
DoShowToolbarsPopup(TdxBarItemLinks) protected | Fires the OnShowToolbarsPopup event. |
EndFunctionInvoke(IAsyncResult) | Inherited from TComponent. |
EndInvoke(IAsyncResult) | Inherited from TComponent. |
EndInvoke<TResult>(IAsyncResult) | Inherited from TComponent. |
EndUpdate(Boolean) | Enables updating of a bar manager after a call to the BeginUpdate method. |
Equals(TObject) | Inherited from TObject. |
ExchangeItems(Integer,Integer) | Swaps two items in a bar manager’s Items list. |
ExecuteAction(TBasicAction) | Inherited from TComponent. |
FindComponent(String) | Inherited from TComponent. |
FreeNotification(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
FreeOnRelease | Inherited from TComponent. |
GetAllItemsByCategory(Integer,TList) | Populates a list with the items (both accessible and inaccessible to end-users) in a specified category and returns the number of items in this list. |
GetChildren(TGetChildProc,TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
GetCountByCategory(Integer) | Returns the number of items (excluding TdxBarControlContainerItem items) that are currently accessible to end-users in a specified category. |
GetHashCode | Inherited from TObject. |
GetItemByCategory(Integer,Integer) | Returns a particular item in a specified category. |
GetItemByName(string) | Returns an item by name. |
GetItemsByCategory(Integer,TList) | Populates a list with the items in a particular category and returns a count of the items in the list. |
GetNamePath | Inherited from TPersistent. |
GetOwner | Inherited from TPersistent. |
GetPaintStyle | Returns the paint style of the current bar manager. |
GetParentComponent | Inherited from TComponent. |
GetRealPaintStyle protected | Returns the real paint style of the current bar manager. |
GetUniqueItemName(TdxBarItemClass) | Generates a unique name for a bar manager’s item whose type is specified by the ABarItemClass parameter. |
GetUniqueToolbarCaption(string) | Generates a unique caption for a bar manager’s toolbar adding an index to the string passed by the ABaseName parameter. |
GetUniqueToolbarName(string) | Generates a unique name for the bar manager’s toolbar adding an index to the string passed by the ABaseName parameter. |
HasParent | Inherited from TComponent. |
HideAll | Hides the active toolbar and its UI elements. |
HideHint | For internal use only. |
IgnoreKeyStroke | Forces the bar manager to ignore the keystroke passed to an OnHandleKey event handler. |
InsertComponent(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
IsImplementorOf(IInterface) | Inherited from TComponent. |
Loaded protected | Initializes the component following the application form loading. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent. |
LoadFromIniFile(string) | Loads bar manager’s settings from an INI file. |
LoadFromRegistry(string) | Loads the bar manager’s settings stored in the registry. |
LoadFromStream(TStream) | Loads the bar manager’s settings from a stream. |
Merge(TdxBarManager,Boolean) | Incorporates bars of the ABarManager into the current bar manager. |
MoveItem(Integer,Integer) | Moves an item to a new position in a bar manager’s Items collection. |
Notification(TComponent,TOperation) | Inherited from TComponent. |
ReferenceInterface(IInterface,TOperation) | Inherited from TComponent. |
RemoveComponent(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
RemoveFreeNotification(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
RenameToolBar(TdxBar) | Displays the Rename Toolbar dialog used for editing the ABar toolbar’s caption. |
ResetToolBar(TdxBar) | Restores the original settings of the ABar toolbar. |
ResetUsageData | Restores the default set of visible item controls to menus and toolbars. |
ResetUsageDataWithConfirmation | Displays a dialog box with a request message and in case of a positive answer restores the default data. |
SaveToIniFile(string) | Saves bar manager’s settings to an INI file. |
SaveToRegistry(string) | Saves the bar manager’s settings to the registry. |
SaveToStream(TStream) | Saves the bar manager’s settings to a stream. |
ScaleForPPI(Integer) | Scales the component according to the specified DPI value. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent. |
SetParentComponent(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
SetSubComponent(Boolean) | Inherited from TComponent. |
ToString | Inherited from TObject. |
Unmerge(TdxBarManager) | Resets the ABarManager and the current bar manager to their previous states (prior to a TdxBarManager.Merge call). |
UpdateAction(TBasicAction) | Inherited from TComponent. |
UseRightToLeftAlignment |
Name | Description |
OnAfterMerge | Fires after the merge operations performed by the OnMenuMerge and OnMerge event handlers. |
OnBarAdd | Occurs after a new toolbar has been added. |
OnBarAfterReset | Occurs after the default settings of a specific toolbar have been restored. |
OnBarBeforeReset | Occurs before the default settings of a specific toolbar are restored. |
OnBarClose | Occurs when closing a floating toolbar. |
OnBarDelete | Occurs before a toolbar is removed from the current bar manager’s collection of toolbars. |
OnBarDockingStyleChange | Occurs when a toolbar’s docking style is changed. |
OnBarReset | Enables you to cancel resetting toolbar settings and prohibit the confirmation dialog from being displayed to end-users. |
OnBarVisibleChange | Occurs when a toolbar’s visibility state is changed. |
OnBeforeMerge | Fires when the bar manager is about to raise the OnMenuMerge or OnMerge event. |
OnClickItem | Occurs when clicking a toolbar’s item. |
OnCloseButtonClick | Occurs when a toolbar that represents a main menu is being closed. |
OnDocking | Occurs when an end-user changes a toolbar’s position. |
OnHandleKey | Enables you to handle a keystroke or prevent the bar manager from handling it. |
OnHelpButtonClick | Occurs when clicking the Help button on the current bar manager’s Customization Form. |
OnHideCustomizingForm | Occurs after hiding the current bar manager’s Customization Form. |
OnItemLinkAdd | Occurs when creating an item link within a collection of item links. |
OnItemLinkChange | Occurs after an item link is modified. |
OnItemLinkDelete | Occurs before an item link is removed from a collection of item links. |
OnMenuMerge | Occurs when an MDI child form containing the main menu changes its state. |
OnMerge | Fires when one of the MDI child forms changes its state. |
OnMergeItemLink | Fires before an item link is added to the merging bar. |
OnShowCustomizingForm | Occurs before the current bar manager’s Customization Form is displayed. |
OnShowCustomizingPopup | Occurs before a customizing popup menu is displayed. |
OnShowToolbarsPopup | Occurs before a toolbar’s popup menu is displayed. |
See Also