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TdxBarManager.PopupMenuLinks Property

Specifies a collection of linked controls and toolbar popup menus.


property PopupMenuLinks: TdxBarPopupMenuLinks read; write;

Property Value



Any TWinControl descendant on a form can be associated with a toolbar popup menu (the dxBarPopupMenu component). This popup menu is activated when an end-user does one of the following:

  • Right-clicks a control;

  • Presses the Application key ();

  • Presses the Shift+F10 key combination while the control is focused.

The PopupMenuLinks property specifies a collection of links between toolbar popup menus and controls. To add, delete, and access a particular item within this collection use the Add and Delete methods and the Items property respectively, or use the “Editing …” dialog at design time. To specify the control and the toolbar popup menu of a particular item, use the Control and PopupMenu properties of the collection’s items. Refer to the How to Create a Popup Menu at Runtime topic for details on how to create a toolbar popup menu at runtime.

You can select Convert Menu in the bar manager’s context menu at design time to convert a standard TMainMenu or TPopupMenu menu located on the parent form to the ExpressBars menu. Refer to the How to Convert Standard Menus to ExpressBars Menus topic for more information.

See Also