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TdxBarManager.DoDocking(TdxBar,TdxBarDockingStyle,TdxDockControl) Method

Checks whether a toolbar can be moved and fires the OnDocking event.


function DoDocking(ABar: TdxBar; AStyle: TdxBarDockingStyle; ADockControl: TdxDockControl): Boolean; virtual;


Name Type
ABar TdxBar
AStyle TdxBarDockingStyle
ADockControl TdxDockControl




The DoDocking method is called when changing a toolbar’s position. This method checks if the docking style specified by the AStyle parameter is a valid docking style for the toolbar specified by the ABar parameter or for the current bar manager. If it is a valid docking style the return value is True and the toolbar’s position can be changed, otherwise the toolbar can’t be moved. The ADockControl parameter specifies the location of the toolbar (its dock control).

The DoDocking method also fires the OnDocking event.

Override the DoDocking method to perform specific actions when changing a toolbar’s position.

See Also