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TdxBarManager.SaveToStream(TStream) Method

Saves the bar manager’s settings to a stream.


procedure SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);


Name Type
AStream TStream


Use the SaveToStream method to save the bar manager settings to a stream specified by the AStream parameter. If nil is passed for the parameter, the SaveToStream method does nothing.

Please refer to the description of the SaveToIniFile method for details on which bar manager’s settings are saved to a stream.

You can restore the bar manager’s settings from a stream using the LoadFromStream method. Also settings can be saved to and restored from an INI file or the registry. Please refer to the SaveToIniFile or SaveToRegistry and, LoadFromIniFile or LoadfromRegistry method pairs.


the SaveToStream method writes information starting from the stream’s current position, which can be specified using the Position property.

See Also