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TdxBarManager.GetUniqueToolbarName(string) Method

Generates a unique name for the bar manager’s toolbar adding an index to the string passed by the ABaseName parameter.


function GetUniqueToolbarName(const ABaseName: string): string;


Name Type
ABaseName string




Use the GetUniqueToolbarName function to rename an existing toolbar or to generate a name for a toolbar which has been created via code. In both cases the return value of this function must be assigned to the toolbar’s Name property.

The GetUniqueToolbarName function assigns a name based upon the string passed by the ABaseName parameter.

For example, if the “dxBarManagerBar” string is passed by the parameter the GetUniqueToolbarName function will generate the “dxBarManagerBarN“ name, where N is the index that is given. So that the name is unique but it still shares the majority of its name with other toolbars in the current bar manager’s Bars collection.


A toolbar’s name is case sensitive.

A toolbar can be found in the bar manager’s Bars collection by its name via the BarByComponentName function.

See Also