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TdxBarManager.Merge(TdxBarManager,Boolean) Method

Incorporates bars of the ABarManager into the current bar manager.


procedure Merge(ABarManager: TdxBarManager; ACanCreateNewBar: Boolean = True);


Name Type
ABarManager TdxBarManager
ACanCreateNewBar Boolean


Call this method to copy the ABarManager‘s toolbars into the current bar manager. You can sequentially merge the current bar manager with any number of bar managers, if required.

The ABarManager parameter specifies the bar manager whose toolbars will be copied into the current bar manager.

The Merge method joins the bars that have matching captions. The ACanCreateNewBar parameter specifies whether the ABarManager‘s toolbars, which have no counterparts, will be imported into the current bar manager. If the ACanCreateNewBar parameter is set to True, then the ABarManager‘s toolbars will be incorporated into the newly created toolbars of the current bar manager. If the ACanCreateNewBar parameter is set to False, then no new mergers of the current bar manager will be created. In this instance, only those ABarManager‘s toolbars will be imported which have captions identical to the captions of the current bar manager’s toolbars.


when this operation completes, the ABarManager‘s toolbars will be hidden in the source form (the TdxBar.Visible property of the toolbars’ instances will be set to False).

See Also