TcxCustomTreeView.OnAddition Event
Fires in response to adding a node to the tree view control.
property OnAddition: TTVExpandedEvent read; write;
Handle the OnAddition event to perform specific actions each time a node is added to the tree view control.
Sender specifies the TcxCustomInnerTreeView.
Node represents the added node.
Handling the OnAddition event is useful, for instance, if you allow end-users to add nodes to the tree view control and want to correct node settings on insert.
Note that you can load the node structure from a stream or a file. This can be performed using the LoadFromStream and LoadFromFile methods respectively. If using these methods, the OnAddition event fires for each loaded node. Thus, you can handle the event to correct node settings. This is useful since the mentioned methods allow you to load only the structure of nodes and their captions. The OnAddition event enables you to specify any other data associated with the loaded nodes (for instance, image indexes).
Individual nodes can be added to the tree view control using methods of the TTree
The sample code below handles the OnAddition event to add indexes to node captions.
procedure TForm1.cxTreeView4Addition(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
ParentNode: TTreeNode;
Number: string;
ParentNode := Node;
Number := IntToStr(Node.Index + 1);
while ParentNode.Parent <> nil do
ParentNode := ParentNode.Parent;
Number := IntToStr(ParentNode.Index + 1) + '.' + Number;
Node.Text := Number + ' - ' + Node.Text;
Here is the result of code execution. Note the composite indexes of nodes:
If you need to handle node deletion, use the OnDeletion event.