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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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TcxDlgShellOptions.ShowNonFolders Property

Determines whether the file shell items are displayed.


property ShowNonFolders: Boolean read; write; default False;

#Property Value

Type Default
Boolean False


Use the ShowNonFolders property to enable displaying only file shell items. In general, this option enables displaying of the shell items that have no sub-items.

If the ShowFolders and ShowNonFolders options are deactivated, then the shell control displays nothing.


Since ZIP files are considered folders in Windows Vista or later, the ShowNonFolders property has no effect on them. To control the visibility of these files, use the ShowZipFilesWithFolders property in combination with the ShowFolders property.

The default value of the ShowNonFolders property is False.

See Also