cxShellObjectInternalRelativeVirtualPathPrefix Constant
In This Article
Provides the relative virtual path prefix.
const cxShellObjectInternalRelativeVirtualPathPrefix = '::{63BE9ADB-E4B5-4623-96AA-57440B4EF5A8}';
Use the cxShellObjectInternalRelativeVirtualPathPrefix constant to access a virtual shell item. Virtual shell items have no physical analogs. Examples of virtual shell objects are: network printers, networked computers, Control Panel applications, Recycle Bin, and My Computer.
The cxShellObjectInternalRelativeVirtualPathPrefix constant provides access to virtual shell items relative to the currently opened shell item.
The following example demonstrates how to access the Control Panel shell item from the My Computer “folder”:
cxShellListView1.AbsolutePath := cxShellObjectInternalAbsoluteVirtualPathPrefix + '\Control Panel';
See Also