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TcxCustomLabelProperties.LabelStyle Property

Specifies the painting style of the label’s text.


property LabelStyle: TcxLabelStyle read; write; default cxlsNormal;

Property Value

Type Default
TcxLabelStyle cxlsNormal


Use the LabelStyle property to define the painting style of the label’s text.

Possible LabelStyle property values include:

Value Meaning Picture
cxlsNormal The label is drawn as is without any special effects.
cxlsRaised The label is drawn using a raised style.
cxlsLowered The label is drawn in a lowered style.
cxlsOutLine The label is painted with an outline with its width defined by the Properties.PenWidth property.

The default value of the LabelStyle property is cxlsNormal.

See Also