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TcxCustomHitTestController Properties

Contains the general HitTest information about a specific point of the editing control.
Name Description
HitAtFilterBox Indicates if the test point belongs to the built-in control’s filter panel.
HitAtFindPanel Indicates if the test point belongs to the built-in Find Panel.
HitAtNavigator Indicates if the test point belongs to the embedded navigator.
HitCode Determines if the test point belongs to a specified editing control element.
HitPoint Specifies the test point within an editing control.
HitState Determines the control element to which the test point belongs.
HitTestItem Specifies the editing control element to which the test point belongs.
HitX Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the point within an editing control.
HitY Specifies the vertical coordinate of the point within an editing control.
See Also