BtnCaptions Constant
Describes the captions displayed on the calculator buttons.
const BtnCaptions: array[cbBack..cbEqual] of string = ('Back', 'CE', 'C', 'MC', 'MR', 'MS', 'M+', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '+/-', ',', '/', '*', '-', '+', 'sqrt', '%', '1/x', '=');
Type |
array[cb |
The TcxCustomCalculator control uses the BtnCaptions constant to get the caption displayed on a specific calculator button.
To access a specific button caption, you can use its index in the BtnCaptions array. All available button indexes and types are enumerated in the TcxCalcButtonKind type description.
The following code snippet demonstrates how to localize the ‘Back’ button’s caption.