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DataGridView.FilteringUITemplate Property

Gets or sets the template that is used to build the filter form for Data Grid rows.

Namespace: DevExpress.Maui.DataGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.Maui.DataGrid.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Maui.DataGrid


public DataTemplate FilteringUITemplate { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

A data template that specifies a filter form.


The FilteringUITemplate configures a Filtering UI form that allows you to filter DataGridView rows. To implement the form, create a page and populate it with filter items.

To invoke the filter form, use the ShowFilteringUIForm command or call the ShowFilteringUIForm() method.

Handle the FilteringUIFormShowing event to fine-tune the filter form based on a condition.

Filter Items

Filter items are separate controls within your application that automatically retrieve available values, format settings, and other information from the bound control – DataGridView. The following filter items are available:


FilterCheckItem – Allows users to use a checkbox to filter by Boolean values.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - Check editor


FilterSwitchItem – Allows users to use a switch to filter by Boolean values.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - Switch editor

Chips with Single Selection

FilterChipGroupItem – Allows users to select a single option from a set.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - Chip group

Chips with Multiple Selection

FilterCheckedChipGroupItem – Allows users to check multiple options from a set.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - Checked chip group

Predefined Chips with Multiple Selection

PredefinedFilterCheckedChipGroupItem – Allows users to check multiple predefined options from a set.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - Predefined checked chip group

Date Range Editor

FilterDateRangeItem – Allows users to filter by date-time values.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - Date range editor

Numeric Range Editor

FilterNumericRangeItem – Allows users to specify a value range to filter numeric values.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - Range editor

Numeric Range Slider

FilterNumericRangeSliderItem – Allows users to select a value range to filter numeric values.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - Range slider

List with Single Selection Using Radio Buttons

FilterRadioListItem – Allows users to select a single option from a radio-button list. Users can enter a search query in the search box to filter available options.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - Filter list

List with Multiple Selection Using Check Boxes

FilterCheckedListItem – Allows users to select multiple options from a checkbox list. Users can enter a search query in the search box to filter available options.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - Checked filter list

Dialog List with Single Selection Using Radio Buttons

FilterRadioListPickerItem – Allows users to select a single option from a list shown in a separate dialog. Users can enter a search query in the search box to filter available options.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - List form item

Dialog List with Multiple Selection Using Check Boxes

FilterCheckedListPickerItem – Allows users to select multiple options from a list shown in a separate dialog. Users can enter a search query in the search box to filter available options.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - Checked list form item

Custom Filter Item

You can customize the value picker used in a built-in filter item. Depending on the filter item, use the following properties to implement a custom picker:


The following example uses the FilteringUITemplate property to build a filter form. To invoke the filter form, call the ShowFilteringUIForm() method or use the ShowFilteringUIForm command.

DevExpress DataGrid for MAUI - Specified filtering UI form template

<ContentPage xmlns=""
             ios:Page.UseSafeArea="true" NavigationPage.HasNavigationBar="False" Title=""
             x:Class= "DXFilteringApp.MainPage" >
        <Grid RowDefinitions="50,*">
            <Button Text="Filter data" Grid.Row="0" 
                    Command="{Binding Source={Reference grid}, Path=Commands.ShowFilteringUIForm}"/>
            <dxg:DataGridView x:Name="grid" Grid.Row="1"
                              ItemsSource="{Binding Orders}" 
                              FilteringUITemplate="{DataTemplate local:FilterPage}">
                <dxg:TextColumn FieldName="ProductName" HeaderFontSize="14"/>
                <dxg:ComboBoxColumn FieldName="PackagingType" HeaderFontSize="14"/>
                <dxg:NumberColumn FieldName="Quantity" HeaderFontSize="14"/>
                <dxg:DateColumn FieldName="Date" HeaderFontSize="14"/>
                <dxg:CheckBoxColumn FieldName="FastDelivery" HeaderFontSize="14"/>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
             Title="Filters" Shell.NavBarIsVisible="False">
            <dxe:FilterCheckedListPickerItem PickerTitle="Select product name" FieldName="ProductName" Text="Tap to select products"/>
            <dxe:FilterCheckedChipGroupItem FieldName="PackagingType" SelectAllWhenFilterIsNull="True"/>
            <dxe:FilterNumericRangeItem Text="Quantity" FieldName="Quantity"/>
            <dxe:FilterDateRangeItem Text="Order Date" FieldName="Date"/>
            <dxe:FilterCheckItem Text="Fast Delivery" FieldName="FastDelivery" />
Show BindingContext implementation
using DevExpress.Maui.DataForm;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace DXFilteringApp;
public abstract class OrderRepository {
   readonly ObservableCollection<Order> orders;
   ObservableCollection<string> products = new ObservableCollection<string> { "Tofu", "Chocolade", "Ikura", "Chai", "Boston Crab >Meat", "Ravioli Angelo", "Ipon Coffee", "Queso Cabrales" };
   public OrderRepository() {
       this.orders = new ObservableCollection<Order>();
   public ObservableCollection<Order> Orders {
       get { return orders; }
   public ObservableCollection<string> Products { get { return products; } }
public class TestOrderRepository : OrderRepository {
   const int orderCount = 20;
   readonly Random random;
   public TestOrderRepository() : base() {
       this.random = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
       for (int i = 0; i < orderCount; i++)
   Order GenerateOrder(int number) {
       Order order = new Order(
           new DateTime(2022, 9, 1).AddDays(random.Next(0, 60)),
           number % 3 == 0,
           random.Next(1, 100),
       return order;
   T RandomItem<T>(IList<T> list) {
       int index = (int)(random.NextDouble() * 0.99 * (list.Count));
       return list[index];
public class Order : INotifyPropertyChanged {
   string productName;
   DateTime date;
   bool fastDelivery;
   int quantity;
   PackagingType packagingType;
   public Order() {
       this.productName = "Tofu"; = DateTime.Today;
       this.fastDelivery = false;
       this.quantity = 0;
       this.packagingType = PackagingType.CardboardBox;
   public Order(DateTime date, bool fastDelivery, string productName, int quantity, PackagingType packagingType) {
       this.productName = productName; = date;
       this.fastDelivery = fastDelivery;
       this.quantity = quantity;
       this.packagingType = packagingType;
   public string ProductName {
       get { return productName; }
       set {
           if (productName != value) {
               productName = value;
   public int Quantity {
       get { return quantity; }
       set {
           if (quantity != value) {
               quantity = value;
   [DataFormDateEditor(DisplayFormat = "{0:MMMM dd}")]
   public DateTime Date {
       get { return date; }
       set {
           if (date != value) {
               date = value;
   public bool FastDelivery {
       get { return fastDelivery; }
       set {
           if (fastDelivery != value) {
               fastDelivery = value;
   public PackagingType PackagingType {
       get { return packagingType; }
       set {
           if (packagingType != value) {
               packagingType = value;
   public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
   protected void RaisePropertyChanged(string name) {
       if (PropertyChanged != null)
           PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));
public enum PackagingType { CardboardBox, CorrugatedBox, ClingFilm, PlasticBox, Chipboard }
See Also