DataGridView Properties
A data grid view.Name | Description |
ActualAppearance | Gets the common appearance settings that are applied to the current DataGridView. |
ActualFilterString | Gets the string that specifies a filter used in the grid. This is a bindable property. |
AdvancedColumnLayout | Gets or sets whether the grid displays its rows in multiple lines. This is a bindable property. |
AllowCascadeTreeCreation | Gets or sets whether the grid performs deferred data loading on start. This is a bindable property. |
AllowCascadeUpdate | Gets or sets whether the grid performs deferred data loading while it is scrolled vertically. This is a bindable property. |
AllowDragDropRows | Gets or sets whether a user is allowed to drag and drop data rows within the grid. This is a bindable property. |
AllowDragDropSortedRows | Gets or sets whether a user is allowed to drag and drop data rows that are sorted or grouped. This is a bindable property. |
AllowGroupCollapse | Gets or sets whether users can collapse and expand groups of rows. This is a bindable property. |
AllowInitiallySelectedRow | Gets or sets whether the first row is selected when the view is displayed on-screen for the first time. This is a bindable property. |
AllowLiveDataShaping |
Gets or sets whether the DataGridView refreshes itself if the data source notifies the control of value changes. The control re-shapes its data: changes the sort order, applies filter conditions, calculates summaries, and carries out other necessary updates. This functionality is available for item source objects that implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. This is a bindable property.
AllowSort | Gets or sets whether users can sort data in the grid. This is a bindable property. |
AllowVirtualHorizontalScrolling | Gets or sets whether virtual horizontal scrolling is activated. This is a bindable property. |
AnchorX | Gets or sets the X component of the center point for any transform operation, relative to the bounds of the element. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
AnchorY | Gets or sets the Y component of the center point for any transform operation, relative to the bounds of the element. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
AutoBestFitColumns | Gets or sets whether to calculate the column width based on the specified BestFitMode. This is a bindable property. |
AutoExpandAllGroups | Gets or sets whether users can expand all DataGridView groups. This is a bindable property. |
AutoFilterRowHeight | Gets or sets the Auto Filter Row’s height. This is a bindable property. |
AutoGenerateColumnsMode | Gets or sets whether columns should be automatically created for fields of the underlying data source, depending on whether the grid contains any columns. This is a bindable property. |
AutomationId | Gets or sets a value that allows the automation framework to find and interact with this element. Inherited from Element. |
Background | Gets or sets the Brush which will be used to fill the background of an element. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
BackgroundColor | Gets or sets the Color which will fill the background of an element. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
Batched | Gets a value that indicates there are batched changes done for this element. Inherited from VisualElement. |
Behaviors | Gets the list of Behavior objects associated to this element. This is a read-only bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
BestFitItemsCount | Gets or sets the number of cells used to calculate the best-fit width for all columns. This is a bindable property. |
BestFitMode | Gets or sets the mode used to calculate the best-fit width for each column. This is a bindable property. |
BindingContext |
Gets or sets an object that contains the properties that will be targeted by the bound properties that belong to this BindableObject. This is a bindable property. Inherited from BindableObject. |
BorderColor | Gets or sets the grid border color. This is a bindable property. |
BorderThickness | Gets or sets the grid border thickness. This is a bindable property. |
Bounds | Gets the bounds of the element in device-independent units. Inherited from VisualElement. |
CellAppearance | Gets or sets the appearance settings that are applied to the current DataGridView‘s cells. This is a bindable property. |
class | Gets or sets the style classes for the element. Inherited from NavigableElement. |
ClassId | Gets or sets a value used to identify a collection of semantically similar elements. Inherited from Element. |
Clip | Specifies the clipping region for an element. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
ColumnHeaderAppearance | Gets or sets the appearance settings that are applied to the current DataGridView‘s column headers. This is a bindable property. |
ColumnHeaderContentTemplate | Gets or sets the template that defines the visual representation of column headers. This is a bindable property. |
ColumnHeaderHeight | Gets or sets the height of column headers in the grid. This is a bindable property. |
Columns | Provides access to the grid’s collection of columns. |
Commands | Returns the collection of DataGridView commands. |
DesiredSize | Gets the size that this element computed during the measure pass of the layout process. Inherited from VisualElement. |
DetailEditFormTemplate | Gets or sets the template used to build the edit form for a DataGridView row. |
DetailFormTemplate | Gets or sets the template used to build the view form for a DataGridView row. |
DetailNewItemFormTemplate | Gets or sets the template used to build the new item form for a DataGridView row. |
DisableLayout | Gets a value that indicates that layout for this element is disabled. Inherited from VisualElement. |
Dispatcher |
Gets the dispatcher that was available when this bindable object was created, otherwise tries to find the nearest available dispatcher (probably the window’s/app’s). Inherited from BindableObject. |
EditColumn | Gets the GridColumn that includes the cell that is being edited. This is a bindable property. |
EditItem | Gets the edited item. |
Editor | Gets the editor that is displayed when the cell is being edited. This is a bindable property. |
EditorShowMode | Gets or sets a gesture by which a user can invoke an in-place editor for a data cell. This is a bindable property. |
EditRowHandle | Gets the row index that includes the cell that is being edited. This is a bindable property. |
EffectControlProvider | For internal use by .NET MAUI. Inherited from Element. |
Effects | Gets or sets the styles and properties that will be applied to the element during runtime. Inherited from Element. |
EnableImmediatePosting | Gets or sets whether to post values to a data source immediately after changing a cell value. This is a dependency property. |
EndSwipeItems | Provides access to objects that contain information on action buttons shown on the right side of a data row when a user swipes the row from right to left. |
ExportCellAppearance | Gets or sets the appearance object applied to cells in the exported document. This is a bindable property. |
ExportColumnHeaderAppearance | Gets or sets the appearance object applied to column header items in the exported document. This is a bindable property. |
ExportColumnHeaderMode | Gets or sets the location of DataGridView headers in an exported document. This is a bindable property. |
ExportGroupRowAppearance | Gets or sets the appearance object applied to group row items (including Group Summary) in the exported document. This is a bindable property. |
ExportGroupSummary | Gets or sets whether to print the group summary panel. This is a bindable property. |
ExportGroupSummaryAppearance | Gets or sets the appearance object applied to the group summary items in the exported document. This is a bindable property. |
ExportTotalSummary | Gets or sets whether to export the summary panel. This is a bindable property. |
ExportTotalSummaryAppearance | Gets or sets the appearance object applied to the total summary items when they are exported. This is a bindable property. |
ExtentHeight | Gets the extent height. |
ExtentWidth | Gets the extent width. |
FilterExpression | Gets or sets the grid’s filter expression. This is a bindable property. |
FilterIconColor | Gets or sets a color of the filter icon. This is a bindable property. |
FilteringContext | Returns the data context that is used to bind filter items to the Data Grid View. |
FilteringUITemplate | Gets or sets the template that is used to build the filter form for Data Grid rows. |
FilterString | Gets or sets the grid’s filter expression string. This is a bindable property. |
FixedColumnSeparatorThickness | Gets or sets the thickness of the line that separates fixed and scrollable columns. This is a bindable property. |
FlowDirection | Gets or sets the layout flow direction. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
Frame | Gets or sets the frame this element resides in on screen. Inherited from VisualElement. |
FullSwipeMode | Gets or sets whether a full swipe across the row performs the first action from the grid’s StartSwipeItems or EndSwipeItems collection. This is a bindable property. |
GestureRecognizers | The collection of gesture recognizers associated with this view. Inherited from View. |
GroupCaptionTemplate | Gets or sets the template that defines the visual representation of a group row caption. This is a bindable property. |
GroupCount | Returns the number of data row groups within a grid. |
GroupRowAppearance | Gets or sets the appearance settings that are applied to the current DataGridView‘s group row. This is a bindable property. |
GroupRowHeight | Gets or sets the height of group rows in the grid. This is a bindable property. |
GroupRowTemplate | Gets or sets the template that defines the visual representation of group rows. This is a bindable property. |
GroupSummaries | Provides access to the collection of group summary items. |
GroupSummaryTemplate | Gets or sets the template that defines the visual representation of summary items displayed within group rows. This is a bindable property. |
Handler | Gets or sets the IViewHandler associated to this element. Inherited from VisualElement. |
Height | Gets the current rendered height of this element. This is a read-only bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
HeightRequest | Gets or sets the desired height override of this element. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
HorizontalOptions | Gets or sets the LayoutOptions that define how the element gets laid out in a layout cycle. This is a bindable property. Inherited from View. |
Id | Gets a value that can be used to uniquely identify an element throughout the run of your application. Inherited from Element. |
IndicatorColor | Gets or sets the color of the load-more (iOS and Android) and pull-to-refresh (iOS only) indicators. This is a bindable property. |
InputTransparent | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element responds to hit testing during user interaction. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
IsColumnHeaderVisible | Gets or sets whether column headers are shown in the grid. This is a bindable property. |
IsEditing | Gets whether the focused cell is currently being edited. This is a bindable property. |
IsEnabled | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element is enabled in the user interface. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
IsFocused | Gets a value indicating whether this element is focused currently. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
IsGrouped | Returns whether the grid’s data is grouped. |
IsHorizontalScrollBarVisible | Gets or sets whether the horizontal scrollbar is shown in the grid. This is a bindable property. |
IsInitialized | Gets whether the DataGridView instance is initialized. |
IsLoadMoreEnabled | Gets or sets whether the load-more functionality is enabled in the grid. This is a bindable property. |
IsPlatformEnabled | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this elements’s platform equivalent element is enabled. Inherited from VisualElement. |
IsPullToRefreshEnabled | Gets or sets whether the pull-to-refresh functionality is enabled in the grid. This is a bindable property. |
IsReadOnly | Gets or sets whether the grid is read-only. This is a bindable property. |
IsRefreshing | Allows you to hide the refresh or load indicator that the grid displays when executing the pull-to-refresh or load-more operation. |
IsVerticalScrollBarVisible | Gets or sets whether the vertical scrollbar is shown in the grid. This is a bindable property. |
IsVisible | Gets or sets a value that determines whether this element will be visible on screen and take up space in layouts. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
ItemsSource | Gets or sets the grid’s data source. This is a bindable property. |
LoadMoreCommand | Gets or sets the command executed when a user scrolls to the bottom of the grid to load new data items. This is a bindable property. |
LogicalChildren | For internal use by the Microsoft.Maui.Controls platform. Inherited from Element. |
Margin | Gets or set the margin for the view. Inherited from View. |
MinimumHeightRequest | Gets or sets the minimum height the element will request during layout. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
MinimumWidthRequest | Gets or sets the minimum width the element will request during layout. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
Navigation | Gets the object responsible for handling stack-based navigation. Inherited from NavigableElement. |
NavigationProxy | Gets the cast of Navigation to a NavigationProxy. Inherited from NavigableElement. |
Opacity | Gets or sets the opacity value applied to the element when it is rendered. The range of this value is 0 to 1; values outside this range will be set to the nearest valid value. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
Parent | Gets or sets the parent Element of this element. Inherited from Element. |
PullToRefreshCommand | Gets or sets the command executed when a user pulls the grid down to request content update. This is a bindable property. |
RealParent | For internal use by .NET MAUI. Inherited from Element. |
ReduceHeightToContent | Gets or sets whether the grid reduces its height to occupy the minimum space needed for its data rows. This is a bindable property. |
Resources | Gets or sets the local resource dictionary. Inherited from VisualElement. |
Rotation | Gets or sets the rotation (in degrees) about the Z-axis (affine rotation) when the element is rendered. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
RotationX | Gets or sets the rotation (in degrees) about the X-axis (perspective rotation) when the element is rendered. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
RotationY | Gets or sets the rotation (in degrees) about the Y-axis (perspective rotation) when the element is rendered. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
RowDoubleTapCommand | Gets or sets a command executed when a user taps a data grid item twice. This is a bindable property. |
RowDragPreviewShadowColor | Gets or sets the shadow color of the dragged row preview. This is a bindable property. |
RowDragPreviewTemplate | Gets or sets the template that defines the visual representation of the dragged row preview displayed during the drag-and-drop operation. This is a bindable property. |
RowHeight | Gets or sets the height of data rows in the grid. This is a bindable property. |
RowLongPressCommand | Gets or sets a command executed when a user taps and holds an item within the grid control. |
RowTapCommand | Gets or sets the command executed when a user taps a row within the grid. This is a bindable property. |
RowTapConfirmedCommand | Gets or sets the command that confirms a single-tap action (which thus times out the second tap for a double-tap gesture). This is a bindable property. |
Scale | Gets or sets the scale factor applied to the element. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
ScaleX | Gets or sets a scale value to apply to the X direction. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
ScaleY | Gets or sets a scale value to apply to the Y direction. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
SelectedItem | Gets or sets the data item that corresponds to the selected row. This is a bindable property. |
SelectedItems | Gets or sets the collection of data items that correspond to selected rows. This is a bindable property. |
SelectedRowHandle | Gets or sets the selected row handle. This is a bindable property. |
SelectionMode | Gets or sets whether a user can select rows. This is a bindable property. |
ShowAutoFilterRow | Gets or sets whether to display the Auto Filter Row, which allows a user to enter a value in a column to automatically filter values in this column according to a filter condition. This is a bindable property. |
ShowFilterIcon | Gets or sets whether to show the filter icons in the Auto Filter Row’s cells. This is a bindable property. |
ShowGroupedColumns | Gets or sets whether the grid displays a column used to group data. This is a bindable property. |
SortMode | Gets or sets whether the grid allows data sorting by multiple columns or by a single column only. This is a bindable property. |
StartSwipeItems | Provides access to objects that contain information on action buttons shown on the left side of a data row when a user swipes the row from left to right. |
Style | Gets or sets the unique Style for this element. Inherited from NavigableElement. |
StyleClass | Gets or sets the style classes for the element. Inherited from NavigableElement. |
StyleId | Gets or sets a user defined value to uniquely identify the element. Inherited from Element. |
SwipeItemAppearance | Gets or sets the appearance settings that are applied to the current DataGridView‘s swipe items. This is a bindable property. |
SwipeItemTemplate | Gets or sets the template that defines the visual representation of grid’s swipe items. This is a bindable property. |
TopRowVisibleIndex | Gets the index of the top visible row. |
TotalSummaries | Provides access to the collection of total summary items. |
TotalSummaryAppearance | Gets or sets the appearance settings that are applied to the current DataGridView‘s total summary items. This is a bindable property. |
TotalSummaryHeight | Gets or sets the total summary panel height. This is a bindable property. |
TotalSummaryTemplate | Gets or sets the template that defines the visual representation of total summary items. This is a bindable property. |
TotalSummaryVisibility | Gets or sets whether the total summary panel is displayed. This is a bindable property. |
TranslationX | Gets or sets the X translation delta of the element. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
TranslationY | Gets or sets the Y translation delta of the element. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
Triggers | Gets the list of TriggerBase objects associated to this element. This is a read-only bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
VerticalLineThickness | Gets or sets the thickness of the grid’s vertical lines. This is a bindable property. |
VerticalOptions | Gets or sets the LayoutOptions that define how the element gets laid out in a layout cycle. This is a bindable property. Inherited from View. |
VisibleColumns | Gets the collection of visible columns. |
VisibleRowCount | Gets the total number of rows displayed within a grid. |
Visual | Gets or sets a IVisual implementation that overrides the visual appearance of an element. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
Width | Gets the current width of this element. This is a read-only bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
WidthRequest | Gets or sets the desired width override of this element. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
X | Gets the current X position of this element. This is a read-only bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
Y | Gets the current Y position of this element. This is a read-only bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement. |
See Also