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FilterDateRangeItem Class

A filter item that allows you to filter data control items by date-time range values.

Namespace: DevExpress.Maui.Editors

Assembly: DevExpress.Maui.Editors.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Maui.Editors


public class FilterDateRangeItem :


The image below shows a sample date-range filter item:

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - Date range editor

To use a FilterDateRangeItem in your filtering UI, bind its Context property to the data control’s FilteringContext (DataGridView.FilteringContext or DXCollectionView.FilteringContext). Then specify the FilterDateRangeItem’s FieldName property to set by which data source property values the data control should filter its items:

<ContentPage ...
                <dxe:FilterDateRangeItem Context="{Binding}" Text="Order Date" FieldName="Date"/>
FilterPage FilterPage => filterPage ??= new FilterPage() { BindingContext = dataControl.FilteringContext };

To set a format for dates, specify the EditorDisplayFormat property.

Use the Max and Min properties to specify the maximum and minimum dates that users can specify in the filter. If values of these properties are null, they are set to maximum/minimum dates that are available in the bound data source.

You can also replace the default editor with a custom editor. To do so, specify the FilterDateRangeItem’s FilterModelTemplate property. Use the FilterDateRangeItem’s FilterModel property to obtain the binding context for the template.

For more information on how to implement a Filtering UI for DataGridView and DXCollectionView, refer to the following sections:


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