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Series Types in Blazor Charts

  • 6 minutes to read

Blazor charts implement more than 20 series types. You can combine multiple series within the same component.

Series Declaration

To create a series, choose the series type and specify its ArgumentField and ValueField properties to populate the component with arguments and values. Since series are generic components, you must ensure that your markup defines the argument and value fields and their data types. The following code snippets demonstrate two ways of defining a series:

<DxChart Data="forecasts">
    <DxChartAreaSeries ArgumentField="@((WeatherForecast v) => v.Date)"
                       ValueField="@((WeatherForecast v) => v.TemperatureC)" />
    @* ... *@

You can also use the Data property on the series level to specify the data source for a particular series if this source is different from the data assigned to the component.

Some series types, such as financial or bubble, require additional settings to render data. Refer to sections below for more information about series types and how to create them.

If you add multiple series to <DxChart> or <DxPolarChart>, the component displays data on the same plane. The series appear on the plane in the order they are declared in the markup: the first series is displayed above all other series. Muiltiple series in one <DxPieChart> result in multiple nested rings in the same pie.

Multiple Series

Area Series

The table below lists available area-based series and their markup objects:

View Type Series Object Image
Area DxChartAreaSeries
Area Series
Range Area DxChartRangeAreaSeries Range Area Series
Spline Area DxChartSplineAreaSeries Spline Area Series
Step Area DxChartStepAreaSeries Step Area Series
Stacked Area DxChartStackedAreaSeries Stacked Area Series
Stacked Spline Area DxChartStackedSplineAreaSeries Stacked Spline Area Series
Full-Stacked Area DxChartFullStackedAreaSeries Full-Stacked Area Series
Full-Stacked Spline Area DxChartFullStackedSplineAreaSeries Full-Stacked Spline Area Series

The following snippet creates an area series. You can replace the <DxChartAreaSeries> tag with other series objects to create another area-based series in <DxChart>.

<DxChart Data="forecasts">
    <DxChartAreaSeries ArgumentField="@((WeatherForecast v) => v.Date)"
                       ValueField="@((WeatherForecast v) => v.TemperatureC)" />
    @* ... *@

Run Demo: Charts - Area Series

Bar Series

The table below lists available bar-based series and their markup objects:

View Type Series Object Image
Bar DxChartBarSeries
Bar Series
Range Bar DxChartRangeBarSeries Range Bar Series
Stacked Bar DxChartStackedBarSeries
Stacked Bar Series
Full-Stacked Bar DxChartFullStackedBarSeries Full-Stacked Bar Series
Side-by-Side Stacked Bar DxChartStackedBarSeries
Side-by-Side Stacked Bar Series
Side-by-Side Full-Stacked Bar DxChartFullStackedBarSeries Side-by-Side Full-Stacked Bar Series

The following snippet creates a bar series. You can replace the <DxChartBarSeries> tag with other series objects to create another bar-based series in <DxChart>.

<DxChart Data="forecasts">
    <DxChartBarSeries ArgumentField="@((WeatherForecast v) => v.Date)"
                      ValueField="@((WeatherForecast v) => v.TemperatureC)" />
    @* ... *@

If you want to create a side-by-side chart, specify the Stack property:

<DxChart Data="forecasts">
    <DxChartStackedBarSeries ArgumentField="@((WeatherForecast v) => v.Date)"
                             ValueField="@((WeatherForecast v) => v.TemperatureC)" 
                             Stack="temperature" />
    <DxChartStackedBarSeries ArgumentField="@((WeatherForecast v) => v.Date)"
                             ValueField="@((WeatherForecast v) => v.Precipitation)" 
                             Stack="precipitation" />
    @* ... *@

Run Demo: Charts - Bar Series

Bubble Series

The table below contains information about a bubble series:

View Type Series Object Image
Bubble DxChartBubbleSeries Bubble Series

In addition to ArgumentField and ValueField properties, you should also map a data field to the SizeField property to render a bubble series:

<DxChart Data="forecasts">
    <DxChartBubbleSeries ArgumentField="@((WeatherForecast v) => v.Date)"
                         ValueField="@((WeatherForecast v) => v.TemperatureC)"
                         SizeField="@(((WeatherForecast v) => v.BubbleSize))" />
    @* ... *@

Run Demo: Charts - Bubble Series

Financial Series

The table below lists available financial series and their markup objects:

View Type Series Object Image
Candlestick DxChartCandlestickSeries Candlestick Series
OHLC DxChartStockSeries OHLC Series

To create a financial series, specify ArgumentField, OpenField, HighField, LowField, CloseField properties:

<DxChart Data="forecasts">
    <DxChartCandlestickSeries OpenField="(StockDataPoint sdp) => sdp.Open"
                              HighField="sdp => sdp.High"
                              LowField="sdp => sdp.Low"
                              CloseField="sdp => sdp.Close"
                              ArgumentField="sdp => sdp.DateTimeStamp"
                              Name="Eco Supreme" />
    @* ... *@

Run Demo: Charts - Candlestick Run Demo: Charts - OHLC

Line Series

The table below lists available line-based series and their markup objects:

View Type Series Object Image
Line DxChartLineSeries
Line Series
Spline DxChartSplineSeries Spline Series
Step Line DxChartStepLineSeries Step Line Series
Stacked Line DxChartStackedLineSeries Stacked Line Series
Stacked Spline DxChartStackedSplineSeries Stacked Spline Series
Full-Stacked Line DxChartFullStackedLineSeries Full-Stacked Line Series
Full-Stacked Spline DxChartFullStackedSplineSeries Full-Stacked Spline

The following snippet creates a line series. You can replace the <DxChartLineSeries> tag with other series objects to create another line-based series in <DxChart>.

<DxChart Data="forecasts">
    <DxChartLineSeries ArgumentField="@((WeatherForecast v) => v.Date)"
                       ValueField="@((WeatherForecast v) => v.TemperatureC)" />
    @* ... *@

Run Demo: Charts - Line Series

Scatter Series

The table below contains information about a scatter series:

View Type Series Object Image
Scatter DxChartScatterSeries
Scatter Series

The following snippet creates a scatter series:

<DxChart Data="forecasts">
    <DxChartScatterSeries ArgumentField="@((WeatherForecast v) => v.Date)"
                          ValueField="@((WeatherForecast v) => v.TemperatureC)" />
    @* ... *@

Run Demo: Charts - Scatter

Pie and Donut Series

<DxPieChart> supports one series type – DxPieChartSeries. Use this series to create the following views:

View Type Series Object Image
Donut DxPieChartSeries Donut Series
Pie DxPieChartSeries Pie Series

The following snippet creates a pie series:

<DxPieChart Data="forecasts">
    <DxPieChartSeries ArgumentField="@((WeatherForecast v) => v.Date)"
                      ValueField="@((WeatherForecast v) => v.TemperatureC)" />
    @* ... *@

Specify the InnerDiameter property to create a donut chart:

<DxPieChart Data="forecasts" InnerDiameter="0.6">
    <DxPieChartSeries ArgumentField="@((WeatherForecast v) => v.Date)"
                      ValueField="@((WeatherForecast v) => v.TemperatureC)" />
    @* ... *@

Run Demo: Charts - Pie and Donut