Office File API (XLSX, DOCX, PDF)
- 2 minutes to read
The DevExpress Office File API library allows you to create, load, edit, export, and print rich text documents, spreadsheets, and PDF files without UI components. You can also generate barcodes, compress data, and convert different measurement units.
You need a license for the DevExpress Office File API Subscription or DevExpress Universal Subscription to use these capabilities in production code.
The following topics contain information on how to install and deploy required libraries and NuGet packages:
#What’s Included
#Word Processing Document API
The DevExpress Word Processing Document API allows you to implement word processing features in code. This library helps you automate such common tasks as file conversion, text formatting, document protection, mail merge, printing, and export to PDF and HTML.
#PDF Document API
The DevExpress PDF Document API allows you to create, edit, merge, split, password protect, and digitally sign PDF files in code.
#Spreadsheet Document API
The DevExpress Spreadsheet Document API allows you to import, export, modify, and print workbooks in code. You can edit spreadsheet content, analyze and visualize data, create formulas, specify print settings, and protect documents with passwords and digital signatures.
#Excel Export Library
The DevExpress Excel Export API is a write-only spreadsheet library that allows you to export data to XLSX, XLS, and CSV files with minimal memory footprint.
#Unit Conversion API
The DevExpress Unit Conversion API allows you to easily convert values between different measurement units (weight, distance, power, and so on).
#Zip Compression and Archive API
The DevExpress Zip Compression and Archive API allows you to generate and edit zip archives, filter files before compression, and specify a password for the entire archive or individual files.
#Barcode Generation API
The DevExpress Barcode Generation API allows you to generate different barcode types and specify barcode options (orientation, color, quality, and so on).