TimeIndicatorDisplayOptions.Visibility Property
Specifies conditions under which the Time Indicator element is displayed. See this property for more information: TimeIndicatorDisplayOptionsBase.Visibility.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Scheduler
public override TimeIndicatorVisibility Visibility { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Default | Description |
TimeIndicatorVisibility | DaysBeforeToday | The selected Time Indicator visibility mode. |
Available values:
Name | Description | Image |
Never | The time indicator is hidden. |
Always | The time indicator is always displayed across the entire view. |
TodayView | If the current interval includes the today day column, the indicator is displayed for all days (equal to the “Always” value). If there is no today date in the current interval, the indicator is hidden (equal to the “Never” value). |
CurrentDate | The time indicator is displayed only in the Today date’s column. |
DaysBeforeToday | The time indicator is drawn only if the current interval includes the today date (same as in “TodayView” mode), and only inside columns that precede the today column. |
Property Paths
You can access this nested property as listed below:
Object Type | Path to Visibility |
DayView |
TimelineView |