SchedulerDataStorage Events
The component that holds data for the SchedulerControl.Name | Description |
AppointmentChanging | Fires when an appointment is about to change. |
AppointmentCollectionAutoReloading | Occurs when the data source which contains appointment records is modified and appointments are set to be automatically reloaded. |
AppointmentCollectionCleared | Fires after the appointment collection has been cleared. |
AppointmentCollectionLoaded | Fires after the appointment collection has been cleared. |
AppointmentDeleting | Allows you to cancel the deletion of an appointment. |
AppointmentDependenciesChanged | Fires when the properties of the appointment dependency have been changed. |
AppointmentDependenciesDeleted | Fires after deletion of one or several appointment dependencies. |
AppointmentDependenciesInserted | Fires after one or several appointment dependencies have been added to the collection. |
AppointmentDependencyChanging | Fires when the appointment dependency type is changing. |
AppointmentDependencyCollectionAutoReloading | Occurs when the data source which contains appointment dependency records is modified and dependencies are set to be automatically reloaded. |
AppointmentDependencyCollectionCleared | Fires after the appointment dependency collection has been cleared. |
AppointmentDependencyCollectionLoaded | Fires after appointment dependencies have been loaded into the storage. |
AppointmentDependencyDeleting | Allows you to cancel the deletion of an appointment dependency. |
AppointmentDependencyInserting | Allows you to cancel the insertion of an appointment dependency. |
AppointmentInserting | Allows you to cancel the insertion of an appointment. |
AppointmentsChanged | Fires when the appointments’ properties have been changed. |
AppointmentsDeleted | Fires after deletion of one or several appointments. |
AppointmentsInserted | Fires after one or several appointments have been added to the collection. |
CreateSourceObject | Allows you to set the source object for a newly created appointment. |
Disposed | Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. Inherited from Component. |
FetchAppointments | Occurs before the SchedulerDataStorage starts retrieving the appointments for the specified time interval. |
FilterAppointment | Hides specific appointments in the Scheduler control. |
FilterDependency | Hides certain appointment dependencies in the Gantt view. |
FilterReminderAlert | Enables you to fire alerts only for specific reminders. |
FilterResource | Hides specific resources in the Scheduler control. |
ItemPropertyChanged | Raises when any item (appointment, resource, appointment dependency, label or status) stored within this SchedulerDataStorage changes its property value. |
PrepareAppointmentFilterColumn | Fires when a column, representing an appointment’s field, is added to the collection of filter columns contained within the FilterControl. |
PrepareResourceFilterColumn | Fires when a column, representing a resource’s field, is added to the collection of filter columns contained within the FilterControl. |
ReminderAlert | Occurs when a reminder alert is invoked. |
ResourceChanging | Fires when a resource’s property is about to be changed. |
ResourceCollectionAutoReloading | Occurs when the data source which contains resources is modified and the automatic reloading of resources is enabled. |
ResourceCollectionCleared | Fires after the resource collection has been cleared. |
ResourceCollectionLoaded | Fires after resources have been loaded into the Scheduler storage. |
ResourceDeleting | Allows the deletion of a resource to be cancelled. |
ResourceInserting | Allows you to cancel the addition of a resource. |
ResourcesChanged | Occurs when a scheduler’s resource in a collection is changed. |
ResourcesDeleted | Occurs after a scheduler’s resource(s) is deleted. |
ResourcesInserted | Occurs when new resources are inserted into the scheduler storage. |
See Also