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GanttControl.TaskDependencyModified Event

Fires when a task’s dependency is successfully modified. This event only fires when a user modifies a task in the chart. When the user modifies a task in the task list, the event does not fire.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraGantt

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraGantt.v24.2.dll


public event TaskDependencyModifiedEventHandler TaskDependencyModified

Event Data

The TaskDependencyModified event's data class is TaskDependencyModificationEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
ChangeType Gets the type of the operation.
OriginalSuccessorNode Gets the processed dependency’s original (before the operation) successor node.
OriginalSuccessorTask Gets the processed dependency’s original (before the operation) successor task.
PredecessorNode Gets the processed dependency’s current (during the operation) predecessor node.
PredecessorTask Gets the processed dependency’s current (during the operation) predecessor task.
SuccessorNode Gets the processed dependency’s current (during the operation) successor node.
SuccessorTask Gets the processed dependency’s current (during the operation) successor task.
Type Gets the type of the processed dependency.


If the AllowModifyDependencies option is enabled, users can change a task’s predecessor or successor. Users can remove a dependency or attach it to another task if the mouse pointer hovers over the dependency arrow. To create a new dependency, use pointers displayed at task edges.



The Editable option must be enabled and the ReadOnly option must be disabled to allow users to modify tasks.

You can handle the following events to customize an operation:

See Interactive Editing for more information.

See Also