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GanttControl.CustomTaskScheduling Event

Fires during the automatic rescheduling process when the control calculates new start and finish dates for a task. Allows you to cancel rescheduling the current task and stop the rescheduling process for its successors.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraGantt

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraGantt.v24.2.dll


public event CustomTaskSchedulingEventHandler CustomTaskScheduling

Event Data

The CustomTaskScheduling event's data class is CustomTaskSchedulingEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Cancel Gets or sets whether to cancel rescheduling the processed task and all dependent tasks.
Duration Gets or sets the task’s duration.
FinishDate Gets or sets the task’s finish date.
Node Gets the processed node.
Row Gets an object that specifies the processed data row.
StartDate Gets or sets the task’s start date.


The code below shows how to display an unbound column that allows users to specify whether a task should be re-scheduled when its predecessor’s start or finish date changes.


using DevExpress.Utils;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository;
using DevExpress.XtraGantt.Options;
using DevExpress.XtraTreeList.Columns;

enum Mode { Manual, Auto };

TreeListColumn colScheduleMode = ganttControl1.Columns.AddField("ScheduleMode");
colScheduleMode.UnboundDataType = typeof(object);
colScheduleMode.Visible = true;
colScheduleMode.AbsoluteIndex = 0;
ganttControl1.TreeListMappings.HierarchyFieldName = "Name";
colScheduleMode.OptionsColumn.AllowSort = false;
colScheduleMode.OptionsColumn.AllowMove = false;
colScheduleMode.Caption = "Task Mode";
RepositoryItemImageComboBox editor = new RepositoryItemImageComboBox();
editor.SmallImages = imageCollection1;
editor.Items.Add(new ImageComboBoxItem("Manually Scheduled", Mode.Manual, 1));
editor.Items.Add(new ImageComboBoxItem("Auto Scheduled", Mode.Auto, 0));
editor.GlyphAlignment = HorzAlignment.Center;
editor.EditValueChanged += (s, e) => { ganttControl1.PostEditor(); };
colScheduleMode.ColumnEdit = editor;
Dictionary<int, Mode> columnValues = new Dictionary<int, Mode>();
ganttControl1.CustomUnboundColumnData += (sender, e) => {
    if (e.Column.FieldName == "ScheduleMode") {
        if (e.IsGetData) {
            if (!columnValues.ContainsKey(e.NodeID)) {
                columnValues[e.NodeID] = ganttControl1.OptionsBehavior.ScheduleMode == ScheduleMode.Manual ? Mode.Manual : Mode.Auto;
            e.Value = columnValues[e.NodeID];
        if (e.IsSetData && e.Value != null) {
            columnValues[e.NodeID] = (Mode)e.Value;
ganttControl1.CustomTaskScheduling += (s, e) => {
    if ((Mode)e.Node.GetValue("ScheduleMode") == Mode.Manual)
        e.Cancel = true;
ganttControl1.CustomDrawTask += (s, e) => {
    if ((Mode)e.Node.GetValue("ScheduleMode") == Mode.Manual)
        e.Info.Appearance.BackColor = Color.Green;
See Also