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GanttControl.RequestTimescaleRulers Event

Fires when the chart is zoomed in / zoomed out. Allows you to customize the timescale rulers.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraGantt

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraGantt.v24.2.dll


public event RequestTimescaleRulersEventHandler RequestTimescaleRulers

Event Data

The RequestTimescaleRulers event's data class is RequestTimescaleRulersEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
TimescaleRulers Provides access to the chart’s timescale rulers.

The event data class exposes the following methods:

Method Description
GetTimescaleUnitWidth(GanttTimescaleUnit) Returns the width of the specified measure unit on the timescale.


The timescale can display between one and three rulers. Rulers display different measure units depending on the zoom factor: years-quarters-months, months-days-hours, etc.




The code below shows how to change the date-time format depending on the time scale ruler’s measure unit.

using DevExpress.XtraGantt;

private void ganttControl1_RequestTimescaleRulers(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGantt.RequestTimescaleRulersEventArgs e) {
    GanttTimescaleRuler ruler0 = e.TimescaleRulers[0];
    if (ruler0.Unit == GanttTimescaleUnit.Month)
        ruler0.DisplayFormat = "MMM yy";
    GanttTimescaleRuler ruler1 = e.TimescaleRulers[1];
    if (ruler1.Unit == GanttTimescaleUnit.Day)
        ruler1.DisplayFormat = "dddd, d";
See Also