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LookUpEditAutoSearchEventArgs.SetParameters(FindPanelParserKind, FilterCondition) Method

Allows you to change how the lookup editor searches for items in its drop-down panel.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraEditors.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public void SetParameters(
    FindPanelParserKind kind = FindPanelParserKind.Default,
    FilterCondition condition = FilterCondition.Default

Optional Parameters

Name Type Default Description
kind FindPanelParserKind Default

If a text entered into the editor text box contains whitespaces, the editor splits this string into separate logical blocks. This parameter specifies how these blocks are combined into a search query.

condition FilterCondition Default

The condition according to which the editor searches for the string entered into its text box.


The example below illustrates how to limit the search by the “Ship Country” and “Ship City” fields, and change the search condition to “Starts with…”.


lookUpEdit1.AutoSearch += OnAutoSearch;

void OnAutoSearch(object sender, LookUpEditAutoSearchEventArgs e) {
    string[] fields = new string[] { "ShipCity", "ShipCountry" };
    e.SetParameters(fields, e.Text, FindPanelParserKind.And, FilterCondition.StartsWith);
See Also