AddEnum(Type, Boolean)
enumType, addEnumeratorIntegerValues
Populates this ListBoxItemCollection with items generated from values of the specific enumeration. Allows generated items to store numeric enumeration values instead of enumeration constant names. This overload should be used only for the ListBoxItemCollection class descendants.
Populates this ListBoxItemCollection with items generated from values of the specific enumeration.
Populates this ListBoxItemCollection with items generated from values of the specific enumeration.
AddEnum<TEnum>(Converter<TEnum, String>, Boolean)
displayTextConverter, addEnumeratorIntegerValues
Adds new items that represent elements of the specified enumeration to the control. Allows you to customize item descriptions and specify whether underlying integer values are assigned to the item values.
AddEnum<TEnum>(Converter<TEnum, String>)
Populates this ListBoxItemCollection with items generated from values of the specific enumeration and replaces default item descriptions. This overload should be used only for the ListBoxItemCollection class descendants.