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EditorButton(ButtonPredefines, String, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, HorzAlignment, Image, KeyShortcut, AppearanceObject, String, Object, SuperToolTip) Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the EditorButton class.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraEditors.v24.2.dll


public EditorButton(
    ButtonPredefines kind,
    string caption,
    int width,
    bool enabled,
    bool visible,
    bool isLeft,
    HorzAlignment imageAlignment,
    Image image,
    KeyShortcut shortcut,
    AppearanceObject appearance,
    string toolTip,
    object tag,
    SuperToolTip superTip


Name Type Description
kind ButtonPredefines

A ButtonPredefines enumeration value that specifies the button’s image type. This value is assigned to the EditorButton.Kind property.

caption String

A String value which specifies the button’s caption. This value is assigned to the EditorButton.Caption property.

width Int32

An integer value specifying the button’s width. This value is assigned to the EditorButton.Width property.

enabled Boolean

The value to initialize the button’s EditorButton.Enabled property.

visible Boolean

The value to initialize the button’s EditorButton.Visible property.

isLeft Boolean

The value to initialize the button’s EditorButton.IsLeft property.

imageAlignment HorzAlignment

The value to initialize the button’s EditorButton.ImageLocation property.

image Image

The value to initialize the button’s EditorButton.Image property.

shortcut KeyShortcut

The value to initialize the button’s EditorButton.Shortcut property.

appearance AppearanceObject

A AppearanceObject object which provides the appearance settings used to paint the button. This value is assigned to the EditorButton.Appearance property.

toolTip String

A String value which specifies the button’s tool tip. This value is assigned to the EditorButton.ToolTip property.

tag Object

A Object value which identifies the button. This value is assigned to the EditorButton.Tag property.

superTip SuperToolTip

A SuperToolTip object that represents a tooltip that supports multiple text and image regions. This value is assigned to the EditorButton.SuperTip property.

See Also