RibbonMiniToolbarOpacityOptions.OpacityDistance Property
Gets and sets an opacity distance that is the maximum distance when the toolbar is opaque.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraBars.Ribbon
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.2.dll
#Property Value
Type | Default | Description |
Int32 | 11 | The integer value that is an opacity distance. |
#Property Paths
You can access this nested property as listed below:
Object Type | Path to Opacity |
Ribbon |
Ribbon |
The toolbar visibility depends on the distance from the mouse cursor to the toolbar. If the mouse cursor is positioned nearer than OpacityDistance, the toolbar is always displayed opaque. If the mouse cursor is positioned beyond OpacityDistance, the toolbar becomes semi-transparent. The farther the mouse cursor, the more transparent the toolbar. When the mouse cursor reaches the distance specified by the RibbonMiniToolbarOpacityOptions.TransparencyDistance property, the toolbar disappears and becomes closed. If the toolbar has been hovered by the mouse cursor, the toolbar disappears and becomes closed at the distance specified by the RibbonMiniToolbarOpacityOptions.TransparencyDistanceWhenBarHovered property, instead of RibbonMiniToolbarOpacityOptions.TransparencyDistance.
To make the toolbar always opaque, set the RibbonMiniToolbarOpacityOptions.AllowTransparency property to false.
The RibbonMiniToolbarOpacityOptions.AllowTransparency, OpacityDistance, RibbonMiniToolbarOpacityOptions.TransparencyDistance and RibbonMiniToolbarOpacityOptions.TransparencyDistanceWhenBarHovered properties are ignored when the toolbar is displayed along with a RibbonMiniToolbar.PopupMenu object.