RadialMenu Properties
The menu where items are arranged along the circumference.Name | Description |
AllowGlyphSkinning | Gets or sets whether the menu item glyphs are painted using the item foreground colors. |
AlphaChannel | Gets or sets the opacity level of the menu. |
ArcHoveredThickness | Gets or sets the thickness of arcs that mark hovered items. |
ArcSelectedThickness | Gets or sets the thickness of arcs that mark selected items. |
AutoExpand | Gets or sets whether the menu is automatically expanded when invoked. |
BackColor | Gets or sets the Radial Menu’s background color. |
BorderColor | Gets or sets the background color of the menu’s outer border (the outer circle segment). |
ButtonBorderColor | Gets or sets the border color of the central button. |
ButtonRadius | Gets or sets the radius of the central button that expands and collapses the menu. |
CanRaiseEvents protected | Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component. |
CanShowPopup | Indicates whether the current PopupMenuBase object can be displayed. Inherited from PopupMenuBase. |
CloseOnOuterMouseClick | Gets or sets whether the current RadialMenu should be closed when an end-user clicks anywhere outside the RadialMenu‘s area. |
CollapseOnOuterMouseClick | Gets or sets whether the current RadialMenu should be collapsed to its central circle button when an end-user clicks anywhere outside this RadialMenu. |
Container | Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component. |
CurrentContainer | Gets whether the container for items currently displayed in the menu is the RadialMenu, BarSubItem or BarLinkContainerItem object. |
DefaultGlyph static | Gets or sets the glyph displayed by default in the RadialMenu‘s central circle button. |
DesignMode protected | Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component. |
Events protected | Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component. |
Glyph | Gets or sets an image displayed within the Radial Menu’s central circle button. |
InnerRadius | Gets or sets the starting radius of the inner circle segment that is filled with the color specified by an item’s BackColor (BarItem.ItemInMenuAppearance.Normal.BackColor) property. |
ItemAutoSize | Gets or sets whether items are auto-sized to fit the entire area of the RadialMenu. |
ItemLinks | Provides access to links owned and displayed by the popup menu. Inherited from PopupMenuBase. |
LinksPersistInfo | Gets or sets a value that stores information on the links added to the current PopupMenuBase object at design time. Inherited from PopupMenuBase. |
Manager | Specifies the BarManager responsible for managing the PopupMenuBase object. Inherited from PopupMenuBase. |
MenuColor | Gets or sets the secondary RadialMenu‘s color. |
MenuDrawMode | This property is not supported by the RadialMenu class. |
MenuRadius | Gets or sets the radius of the Radial Menu, in pixels. |
Name | Gets or sets the name of the popup menu component. Inherited from PopupMenuBase. |
PaintStyle | Gets or sets the style used to paint the current RadialMenu. |
Ribbon | Specifies the RibbonControl responsible for managing the PopupMenuBase object. Inherited from PopupMenuBase. |
Site | Gets or sets the ISite of the Component. Inherited from Component. |
SubMenuHoverColor | Gets or sets the color used to paint the menu’s border segment corresponding to a sub-menu when it is hovered over. |
Tag | Gets or sets user-defined data associated with the control. Inherited from PopupMenuBase. |
TextRenderingHint | Gets or sets the RadialMenu‘s text rendering quality. |
Visible | Gets whether the menu is visible. |
See Also