- 3 minutes to read
Behavior describes a functional aspect of a control. For example, you can use the Clock Behavior to turn a Label Control or Digital Gauge into a clock.
Attach Behavior to a Control
Drop the BehaviorManager component from the Visual Studio Toolbox onto a form. In the component’s smart tag menu, click Edit Behaviors.
In the invoked dialog, create a Behavior and assign it to a control.
In a control’s smart tag menu, you can also click Add Behaviors… to add the BehaviorManager component to the form and assign a Behavior to the control.
Attach Behavior to a Control in Code
Use the BehaviorManager.Attach
method to associate a Behavior with a control in code. To remove the Behavior, use the BehaviorManager.Detach
using DevExpress.Utils.Behaviors.Common;
behaviorManager1.Attach<OpenFolderBehavior>(buttonEdit1, behavior => {
behavior.Properties.IconSize = FileIconSize.Small;
behavior.Properties.InvalidPathImage = DevExpress.Images.ImageResourceCache.Default.GetImage("images/actions/close_16x16.png");
behavior.Properties.ShowIcon = true;
//Use the Detach method to remove the Behavior.
The BehaviorManager.Attach
method returns an IDisposable object. You can also call its Dispose() method to remove the Behavior.
using DevExpress.Utils.Behaviors.Common;
var openFolderBehavior1 = behaviorManager1.Attach<OpenFolderBehavior>(buttonEdit1, behavior => {
behavior.Properties.IconSize = FileIconSize.Small;
behavior.Properties.InvalidPathImage = DevExpress.Images.ImageResourceCache.Default.GetImage("images/actions/close_16x16.png");
behavior.Properties.ShowIcon = true;
//Use the Dispose method to remove the Behavior.
If the BehaviorManager is no longer needed, you can call its Dispose() method to remove all Behaviors associated with the Manager.
Available Behaviors
The table below lists available Behaviors and controls that support them.
Behavior | Description | Target Controls |
This Behavior adds a file/folder icon to a control if this control displays a path to an existing file or folder. | ||
Operates as the FileIconBehavior and can show autocomplete hints. | ||
These Behaviors add ellipsis buttons to a ButtonEdit. Users can click these buttons to invoke file/folder browser dialogs. The editor displays the selected file/folder’s icon and caption. | ||
If you close and reopen a form with this Behavior, the form restores its last known position and size. |
Controls that implement the ISupportXtraSerializer interface | |
Allows standard and DevExpress forms to snap to other windows and screen edges. | ||
Displays automatically generated icons for the target control or its child elements. | ||
Turns a control into a clock that displays the system’s date and time. | ||
Indicates whether system keys (Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll Lock) are pressed. | ||
This Behavior allows a PictureEdit to automatically cycle through a collection of images. | ||
Allows users to drag-and-drop items between controls. | ||
Allows users to invoke the Magnifier tool and pick colors on their screen. | All ColorEdit descendants | |
With this Behavior, you can use a RadioGroup or WindowsUIButtonPanel to browse the target control’s child items (tiles, slide images, and so on). | ||
Uses a BreadCrumbEdit to implement navigation through a TreeList‘s hierarchy. | ||
Allows you to disable row cells (in a grid and in treelist controls) and column cells (in a vertical grid) that meet a certain condition. |