- 6 minutes to read
Many DevExpress controls have built-in context-dependent popup menus. You can customize them or replace with custom menus in code. The built-in context menus are encapsulated by DXPopupMenu class objects.
The PopupMenu component allows you to create a non-context-dependent popup menu for a control. Unlike the DXPopupMenu, the PopupMenu component provides design-time customization tools.
The current document covers information on how to customize built-in context-dependent popup menus for the DevExpress controls.
#Popup Menu Customization Settings
Specific DevExpress .NET controls contain properties to enable/disable predefined items in their built-in context menus. Below is a list of these controls and corresponding properties:
- Data Grid - See members provided by the GridView.OptionsMenu object.
- Tree List - See members provided by the TreeList.OptionsMenu object.
- PivotGridControl - See members provided by the PivotGridControl.OptionsMenu object.
- VGridControl, PropertyGridControl - See members provided by the VGridControlBase.OptionsMenu object.
- PictureEdit - See PictureEdit.Properties.ShowEditMenuItem, PictureEdit.Properties.ShowCameraMenuItem and PictureEdit.Properties.ShowZoomSubMenu.
#Example - Enable Predefined Menu Item
The following code enables the “Show Footer” menu item via the GridView.OptionsMenu.ShowFooterItem property.
#Popup Menu Customization Events
DevExpress .NET controls provide events to perform advanced menu customization tasks:
- Customize the order, visibility and text of all predefined menu items.
- Add custom menu items.
- Perform custom actions when a user clicks predefined menu items.
- Invoke custom context menus.
Control | Menu Customization Events |
See Popup Menus. | |
See Context Menus. | Tree |
Pivot | |
See Context Menu. | |
Text Editors (Text |
When you handle any of these events, you can access the currently processed menu from the e.Menu event argument. The e.Menu.Items property returns a collection of menu items, encapsulated by the following objects:
#Example - Display Custom Menus
The following code sample invokes a custom context menu when a user right-clicks a column header:
Add a BarManager to the form and create a custom PopupMenu.
Handle the GridView.PopupMenuShowing event and call the e.ShowCustomMenu method to display your custom menu instead of the default header menu.
void gridView1_PopupMenuShowing(object sender, PopupMenuShowingEventArgs e) {
if (e.MenuType == GridMenuType.Column) {
popupMenu_Column.Tag = e.HitInfo;
popupMenu_Column.MenuCaption = $"{e.HitInfo.Column}";
GridHitInfo GetHitInfo(BarItemLink link) {
PopupMenu menu = link.LinkedObject as PopupMenu;
return menu.Tag as GridHitInfo;
void barButtonItem_Filter_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) {
GridHitInfo info = GetHitInfo(e.Link);
void barButtonItem_ColumnChooser_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) {
GridHitInfo info = GetHitInfo(e.Link);
#Example - Add Custom Menu Items
The following code sample creates a menu item that fixes the column to the left. This item is added to the column header’s context menu next to the Hide This Column item:
void gridView1_PopupMenuShowing(object sender, PopupMenuShowingEventArgs e) {
if (e.MenuType == GridMenuType.Column) {
DXMenuItem item = new DXMenuItem("Fix/Unfix This Column", (s, args) => {
GridColumn column = (s as DXMenuItem).Tag as GridColumn;
if (column.Fixed == FixedStyle.Left)
column.Fixed = FixedStyle.None;
else column.Fixed = FixedStyle.Left;
item.Tag = e.HitInfo.Column;
int index = e.Menu.Items.IndexOf(e.Menu.Find(GridStringId.MenuColumnRemoveColumn));
e.Menu.Items.Insert(index + 1, item);
#Display Modes
A DXPopupMenu object can be displayed as a regular menu, popup bar or RibbonMiniToolbar. To specify the menu’s display mode, set the DXPopupMenu.MenuViewType property to the required enumeration value and use a corresponding menu manager.
When you invoke a DXPopupMenu manually in code, you can specify a menu manager via the popup menu’s IDXDropDownControl.Show method. For built-in menus in DevExpress controls, you can specify a menu manager via a control’s MenuManager property.
The following menu managers are available.
SkinMenuManager - Displays a DXPopupMenu as a regular menu.
Menu presents DXEditManager Menu objects as text labels without edit boxes. DXButtonItem Group objects are displayed as sub-menus.Item // Display a DXPopupMenu as a regular menu UserLookAndFeel lf = UserLookAndFeel.Default; Control parentControl = this; Point pt; DXPopupMenu dxPopupMenu = new DXPopupMenu(); //... dxPopupMenu.MenuViewType = MenuViewType.Menu; dxPopupMenu.ShowPopup(parentControl, pt); //or ((IDXDropDownControl)dxPopupMenu).Show(new SkinMenuManager(lf), parentControl, pt);
BarManager - Displays DXPopupMenu as a popup bar.
// Display a DXPopupMenu as a popup bar Control parentControl = this; Point pt; DXPopupMenu dxPopupMenu = new DXPopupMenu(); //... dxPopupMenu.MenuViewType = MenuViewType.Toolbar; dxPopupMenu.ShowPopup(parentControl, pt); //or ((IDXDropDownControl)dxPopupMenu).Show(barManager1, parentControl, pt);
RibbonControl - Displays a DXPopupMenu as a RibbonMiniToolbar object.
// Display a DXPopupMenu as a RibbonMiniToolbar Control parentControl = this; Point pt; DXPopupMenu dxPopupMenu = new DXPopupMenu(); //... dxPopupMenu.MenuViewType = MenuViewType.RibbonMiniToolbar; dxPopupMenu.ShowPopup(parentControl, pt); //or ((IDXDropDownControl)dxPopupMenu).Show(RibbonControl1, parentControl, pt);
#Related API
- The inherited IDXDropDownControl.Show method displays a popup menu. You do not need to use this method to open the DevExpress Controls’ built-in menus, as these menus are automatically displayed on a control’s right click.
- The DXPopupMenu.HidePopup method hides a popup menu.
- The DXPopupMenu.CloseUp event fires after the menu has been closed.
- The DXPopupMenu.Alignment property determines a menu’s alignment relative to the mouse cursor. This property is supported only when the DXPopupMenu is displayed as a RibbonMiniToolbar object.
- How to: Implement Custom Menu in XtraGrid Control
- How to: Add DXButtonGroupItem to DXPopupMenu and Display Menu as RibbonMiniToolbar
- How to: Add DXEditMenuItem to DXPopupMenu and Display Menu as Toolbar
- How to: Display DXPopupMenu as a Regular Menu, Popup Bar or RibbonMiniToolbar
#Cheat Sheets and Best Practices
DevExpress WinForms UI controls (Data Grid, Tree List, Vertical Grid, Gantt Control, etc.) ship with the built-in context menus. Read the following quick-reference guide for detailed information and examples:
Context Menus - DevExpress WinForms Cheat Sheets