Scrollbar Annotation Behavior
You can display scrollbar annotations in a list box control to indicate the following items’ location:
- focused item
- selected items
- checked items (the checked list box control only)
- items corresponding to a search query (a search control should be attached to the list box control)
#Supported Controls
- Type — a set of flags that specify the enabled annotation types
- Color — the annotation color (the default value depends on the current skin)
- Alignment — the annotation alignment (the default value depends on the current skin)
#How to Attach the Behavior in Code
The code below shows how to enable scrollbar annotations for focused and selected rows in an image list box.
using DevExpress.Utils.Behaviors;
behaviorManager1.Attach<ScrollAnnotationsBehavior>(imageListBoxControl1, behavior => {
behavior.Properties.Type = ScrollAnnotationType.Focus | ScrollAnnotationType.Selection;
You can handle the Base
See Also