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FormatCondition Class

Represents a format condition based on a specified rule(s) or expression.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.PivotGrid


public class FormatCondition :


Use the FormatCondition condition to compare a data cell value with a specific constant(s) or expression.

Conditional Formatting - CustomRule

The FormatCondition class is inherited from the FormatConditionBase base class and represents a format condition based on a specified rule(s) or expression. To apply the condition, create a new FormatCondition instance, specify its parameters and add it to the PivotGridControl.FormatConditions collection.

Specify the value rule using the FormatCondition.ValueRule property. To specify a constant(s), with which a value is compared, use the FormatCondition.Value1 and FormatCondition.Value2 properties.

For each condition, you can select one of the predefined formats using the FormatConditionBase.PredefinedFormatName property or apply a custom format by creating new Format collection and specifying its parameters.

For each condition, you can select one of the predefined formats or apply a custom format.

The following code sample shows how to apply FormatCondition with the predefined format and specified value rule.

using DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid;
using DevExpress.Xpf.Core.ConditionalFormatting;

public MainWindow()
    // ...

    // Creates a new FormatCondition instance.
    FormatCondition formatRule = new FormatCondition();

    // Configures the format condition.
    formatRule.ApplyToSpecificLevel = true;
    formatRule.ColumnName = "fieldQuarter";
    formatRule.RowName = "fieldSalesPerson";
    formatRule.MeasureName = "fieldExtendedPrice";
    formatRule.ValueRule = ConditionRule.GreaterOrEqual;
    formatRule.Value1 = 500;
    formatRule.PredefinedFormatName = "GreenFillWithDarkGreenText";

    // Adds this instance to the FormatConditionCollection.
See Also