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DXMessageBox.Show(FrameworkElement, String, String, MessageBoxButton, MessageBoxImage, MessageBoxResult, MessageBoxOptions, FloatingMode, Boolean) Method

Displays the DXMessageBox with specific owner, text, title, icon, display options, floating mode, animation, and set of buttons, one of which is set as default.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Core

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Core


public static MessageBoxResult Show(
    FrameworkElement owner,
    string messageBoxText,
    string caption,
    MessageBoxButton button,
    MessageBoxImage icon,
    MessageBoxResult defaultResult,
    MessageBoxOptions options,
    FloatingMode desiredFloatingMode,
    bool allowShowAnimatoin


Name Type Description
owner FrameworkElement

A FrameworkElement object that owns the current DXMessageBox.

messageBoxText String

A String value that is the text to be displayed within the current DXMessageBox.

caption String

A String value that is the DXMessageBox window caption.

button MessageBoxButton

A System.Windows.MessageBoxButton enumerator value that specifies the set of buttons displayed within the current DXMessageBox.

icon MessageBoxImage

A System.Windows.MessageBoxImage enumerator value that specifies which icon to display within the current DXMessageBox.

defaultResult MessageBoxResult

A System.Windows.MessageBoxResult that specifies which message box button is default. A default button is highlighted when a DXMessageBox is shown.

options MessageBoxOptions

A System.Windows.MessageBoxOptions enumerator value that specifies which display and association options will be used for the message box.

desiredFloatingMode FloatingMode

A DevExpress.Xpf.Core.FloatingMode enumerator value that specifies the floating mode for the DXMessageBox.

allowShowAnimatoin Boolean

true, if message box show should be followed with smooth animation effects; otherwise, false.


Type Description

A System.Windows.MessageBoxResult enumerator value that indicates which message box button an end-user has clicked.


Depending on the desiredFloatingMode parameter, the DXMessageBox can float in 3 ways:

  • FloatingMode.Adorner - the message box is initially centered against the application window and stuck to it. The message box is displayed above the application window only and is always focused. Moving the application window moves the message box respectively.
  • FloatingMode.Popup - the message box is initially centered against the application window and displayed above all windows.
  • FloatingMode.Window - the message box is initially centered against a screen and behaves similar to modal windows - it can lose focus and is displayed above the application window only.
See Also