- 8 minutes to read
A legend is a chart element that allows you to distinguish between series on a chart. In addition to series, a legend can display series points, indicators, strips and constant lines. To identify chart elements, a legend displays a marker, a check box, or both - with the specified text. Marker appearance (shape and color) differs based on the element’s type.
The Chart Control can hide its elements if there is insufficient space to display them. Elements are hidden in the following order:
To make the Chart Control always display its elements, disable the Chart
#How to Add a Legend
If the legend’s position options are undefined, it is positioned in the the top-right corner of the chart. Use the following XAML to add a legend to a chart:
The example above uses the following classes and properties:
Member | Description |
Chart |
Returns a collection that stores chart legends. |
Legend | A legend. |
A legend displays chart elements (series, indicator, constant line, and strip) whose Visible and ShowInLegend properties are enabled. To specify text that identifies a series in a legend, use the Series.DisplayName property. Use the Indicator.LegendText, ConstantLine.LegendText, and Strip.LegendText properties to define the legend text for an indicator, a constant line, and a strip, respectively. When the DisplayName or LegendText property is set to Empty, the legend does not show a chart element.
In addition to series, indicators, constant lines, and strips, a legend can contain series point values. The legend for a Simple 2D Diagram (or Simple 3D Diagram) displays point values. Enable the XYSeries.ColorEach property to show points in legends of Cartesian (2D XY Diagram, 3D XY Diagram) and Circular (2D Polar Diagram, 2D Radar Diagram) diagrams.
You can add multiple legends to a chart as shown below:
The following example shows how to add several legends:
<dxc:Legend x:Name="topLegend" DockTarget="{Binding ElementName=topPane}"/>
<dxc:Legend x:Name="bottomLegend" DockTarget="{Binding ElementName=bottomPane}"/>
<dxc:Pane x:Name="topPane"/>
<dxc:Pane x:Name="bottomPane"/>
<dxc:AreaSeries2D DisplayName="Pressure (mbar)"
Pane="{Binding ElementName=bottomPane}"
Legend="{Binding ElementName=bottomLegend}"/>
The markup uses the following API members:
Member | Description |
Legend. |
Specifies the pane (or its View Model) that contains a legend. |
Series. |
Gets or sets the legend (or its View Model) that displays information about the series. |
#How to Specify Legend Layout
You can modify the legend’s vertical and horizontal positions, and place the legend inside or outside of a diagram. You can also display legend items in a column or row, and show them in reversed order.
Use the notation below to place a legend at the bottom of the chart - outside the diagram - and align it horizontally to the center as shown in the previous image.
<dxc:Legend HorizontalPosition="Center"
The following API members manage the legend and its item positions:
Member | Description |
Legend |
Specifies the legend’s horizontal position within a chart. |
Legend |
Specifies the legend’s vertical position within a chart. |
Legend |
Defines vertical or horizontal legend item orientation. |
Legend. |
Gets or sets whether the legend item order is reversed. |
Legend |
Specifies the space between the legend and the diagram. |
Also, you can use the LegendBase.ItemsPanel property to customize the legend item layout.
#How to Add a Title to a Legend
A legend can only contain a single title. You can configure the title’s content and its horizontal alignment within a legend.
Use the code below to configure a legend’s title:
<dxc:LegendTitle Content="Year"
The following classes and properties allow you to add and modify a legend’s title:
Member | Description |
Legend |
Specifies a legend title. |
Legend |
A legend title. |
Title |
Gets or sets the title’s content. |
Title |
Specifies how the title is horizontally aligned. |
#How to Enable Check Boxes in a Legend
You can use check boxes in a legend to manage the visibility of series, indicators, strips, and constant lines as shown below:
Check boxes for series points are not available. Configure the Series.
Use the following code to display legend items with check boxes:
<dxc:Legend MarkerMode="CheckBoxAndMarker"/>
The markup above uses the following API members:
Member | Description |
Legend. |
Specifies a mode that defines how to display legend markers. |
Legend |
Lists values that specify which marker type a legend uses. |
Use the chart element’s CheckableInLegend (Series.CheckableInLegend, Indicator.CheckableInLegend, ConstantLine.CheckableInLegend, Strip.CheckableInLegend) property to specify whether a legend shows a check box for the element.
Use the CheckedInLegend (Series.CheckedInLegend, Indicator.CheckedInLegend, ConstantLine.CheckedInLegend, Strip.CheckedInLegend) property to select or clear an element’s legend check box.
#How to Format Legend Item Text
When the ColorEach mode is enabled, you can format legend item text using format specifiers, placeholders and plain text.
The following markup shows how to format text that identifies series points in a legend. In the format string, the A and V placeholders define point argument and value.
<dxc:PieSeries2D LegendTextPattern="{}{A}: ${V}M">
<!-- Other series settings. -->
The example demonstrates how to use the following property.
Member | Description |
Series. |
Specifies a pattern formatting legend text for series points. |
A full list of available placeholders is detailed below.
Pattern | Description |
{S} | Displays the name of the series. |
{A} | Displays a series point argument. |
{V} | Displays series point values. |
Pie (Donut) series specific placeholders | |
{VP} | Displays series point values as percentages. |
{TV} | Displays a total group value. |
Stacked series specific placeholders | |
{VP} | Displays series point values as percentages. |
{G} | Displays the name of a stacked group. |
{TV} | Displays a total group value. |
Bubble series specific placeholders | |
{W} | Displays the weight. |
Range series specific placeholders | |
{V1} | Displays the first value. |
{V2} | Displays the second value. |
{VD} | Displays the duration between the first and second data point values formatted using a common time format (e. |
{VDTD} | Displays the duration between the first and second date-time data point values in days. |
{VDTH} | Displays the duration between the first and second date-time data point values in hours. |
{VDTM} | Displays the duration between the first and second date-time data point values in minutes. |
{VDTS} | Displays the duration between the first and second date-time data point values in seconds. |
{VDTMS} | Displays the duration between the first and second date-time data point values in milliseconds. |
Financial series specific placeholders | |
{OV} | Displays the open value. |
{HV} | Displays the high value. |
{LV} | Displays the low value. |
{CV} | Displays the close value. |
Before you use the {S} placeholder, ensure that the Series.
You can also use standard and custom format specifiers, together with the placeholders and data field values (e.
When the chart control or a series is bound to data, the text pattern may contain data field values in addition to default placeholders. For example, if the data source contains the Discount field, the text pattern might appear as follows: {S}: {V:F2} (Discount: {Discount:P0}).
#Customize Legend Item Appearance
Specify the LegendBase.ItemTemplate property to assign a data template that defines legend item appearance:
<dxc:Legend HorizontalPosition="Left"
<Grid Width="12" Height="12">
<Rectangle Stretch="Uniform"
<dxc:ChartContentPresenter Content="{Binding}"
ContentTemplate="{Binding Path=MarkerTemplate}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Text}"
Foreground="{Binding Path=MarkerBrush}"/>
#How to Add a Custom Legend Item
You can add custom legend items in addition to items that are automatically generated.
The following code shows how to create a custom legend item:
<dxc:Legend ItemVisibilityMode="AutoGeneratedAndCustom">
<dxc:CustomLegendItem Text="Total: $4390M"
<Image Source="/Images/sum.png"/>
The example uses the following classes and properties:
Member | Description |
Legend |
The legend’s custom items collection. |
Custom |
A custom legend item. |
Custom |
Text that the custom legend item displays. |
Custom |
Specifies a brush that is used to draw a legend item’s marker. |
Custom |
Gets or sets the template that defines a custom legend item’s marker appearance. |
Legend |
Defines the mode used to display custom and automatically generated items. |
Legend |
Lists modes that specify custom and default legend item visibility. |
To generate a chart element collection from a chart’s View Model, bind the LegendBase.CustomItemsSource property to the View Model’s property and specify the LegendBase.CustomItemTemplate or LegendBase.CustomItemTemplateSelector property to bind the element’s properties to the element view model’s properties.