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Accessibility Support

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Many DevExpress WPF controls comply with WCAG 2.2 (Level AA), Section 508, and EN 301 549 standards. To learn more about how WPF controls satisfy these requirements, refer to the DevExpress Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR).

Download: DevExpress WPF ACR v24.1(based on VPAT®)


The following table lists known GridControl limitations according to the WCAG 2.x standard:

WCAG 2.x Criterion

Exception Description


Info and Relationships

(Level A)

  • When a user selects a cell, the GridControl does not provide assistive technologies with accessible information about the corresponding column header title.

  • TreeListView does not provide assistive technologies with accessible information about the selected node’s level.



(Level A)

The following keyboard operations are unavailable:


No Keyboard Trap

(Level A)

Users need to press Ctrl+Tab to move focus away from the GridControl.


Label in Name

(Level A 2.1 only)

The list below outlines GridControl‘s elements that do not provide assistive technologies with accessible information:


Name, Role, Value

(Level A)

The list below outlines GridControl‘s elements that do not provide assistive technologies with accessible information:

  • Row Selection Mode: Selected row value(s).
  • Master Detail:
    • Changes of the master element’s state (expanded/collapsed).
    • First row’s label, if you focus it after a master row.
  • Column Drop-down Filter:
    • Filter value state changes (checked/unchecked).
    • The All filter value (wrong label).
  • TreeListView:
    • Element state changes (expanded/collapsed).
    • Node state changes (checked/unchecked).
    • Focused node.
  • EditEntireRow mode: button label.
  • Content within CellTemplate, RowDetailsTemplate, and DataRowCompactTemplate.
  • Cell selection state when it’s changed by the Space key.
  • Selected row index and the total number of rows when you focus a row.
  • Group and master row state changes (expanded/collapsed).
  • Editor type in the active cell.
  • Changes of cell values made via GridControl APIs.
  • Sparkline value displayed within a cell.


Dragging Movements

(Level AA 2.2 only)

DevExpress GridControl meets the specified criterion with the following exceptions:

  • Column resizing
  • Column reordering
  • Row drag & drop (when enabled)


Target Size (Minimum)

(Level AA 2.2 only)

GridColumn resizing splitters and filter buttons may contain smaller pointer input arears than 24x24 pixels (depending on the applied theme).


Accessibility features of your application depend on implementation (your use of GridControl API). Your application may not require or enable user actions listed above. The limitation list may also be incomplete. Test all required user functionality to ensure accessibility compliance.

Keyboard Navigation

A user can use the following keys or shortcuts to interact with the GridControl component:



← → ↑ ↓

Navigates through cells if no cell is in the editing state.[1]

Tab / Shift + Tab

  • Moves the focus one element forward/back.
  • Focuses the first/last element in the next/previous row if there are no more elements in the current row.

PageUp / PageDown

Navigates to the previous/next page.


  • Activates a cell editor.[2]
  • Saves changes made in a cell or row and deactivates all editors.[2]


Activates a cell editor.[2]

Ctrl + ← / →

Moves cursor in the active cell editor.

Ctrl / Shift + ↑ / ↓

Increases/decreases value in the active cell editor (depends on editor type).


Removes the focused row[3] or selected rows[4].

F4 / Alt + ↓

Opens the active editor’s drop-down window (a select box, a calendar, etc.)

Shift + Mouse Wheel

Scrolls content left/right if the horizontal scrolling is available.[5]

Home / End

Focuses the first/last cell in a row.

Esc / Ctrl + Z

Cancels changes made in a cell or row and deactivates cell editors.

Ctrl + C

Copies data from selected / focused cells to the clipboard.

Ctrl + V

Pastes clipboard content.[6]

Ctrl + F

Focuses the search panel.

F3 / Shift + F3

Navigates to the next/previous search result.

Ctrl + Click on a column header

Clears sorting settings of the column.

Shift + Click on a column header

Sorts data against this column. Keeps previously applied sort order.

→ / +

Expands the focused group row / TreeList node.

← / -

Collapses the focused group row / TreeList node.


Expands/collapses all child nodes of the focused TreeList node.

Ctrl + →

Expands the focused master-detail row.

Ctrl + ←

Collapses the focused master-detail row.

Ctrl + Space

Toggles selected state of the focused row/cell.

Ctrl + ↑

If the top data row is focused, focuses the Automatic Filter Row.

Ctrl + A

Selects all visible data items.


Reloads data from the data source.

Information on Screen Reader Support and Contrast Theme Availability

Refer to the following topic for more information on the accessibility support in DevExpress WPF Controls: Accessibility Support.

  1. If NavigationStyle is Cell.

  2. If AllowEditing is true.

  3. If DeleteKeyBehavior is DeleteFocusedRow.

  4. If DeleteKeyBehavior is DeleteSelectedRows.

  5. If AllowShiftKeyMode and AllowMouseScrolling are true.

  6. If PasteMode is not Default or None.

See Also