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TdxScreenTipRepository Members

A ScreenTip repository.


Name Description
Create(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.


Name Description
AssignedFonts Activates font settings to be applied to a descriptive text shown in the specified sections of the ScreenTip window.
ComObject Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentCount Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentIndex Inherited from TComponent.
Components Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentState Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentStyle Inherited from TComponent.
DescriptionFont Specifies the font settings applied to a descriptive text displayed in a ScreenTip window’s description section.
DesignInfo Inherited from TComponent.
FakeComponentLink1 Inherited from TcxComponent.
FakeComponentLink2 Inherited from TcxComponent.
FakeComponentLink3 Inherited from TcxComponent.
FooterFont Specifies the font settings applied to a descriptive text displayed in a ScreenTip window’s footer section.
HeaderFont Specifies the font settings applied to a descriptive text displayed in a ScreenTip window’s header section.
IsDesigning Inherited from TcxComponent.
IsDestroying Inherited from TcxComponent.
IsLoading Inherited from TcxComponent.
Items Provides access to a collection of ScreenTips created both at design and runtime.
Name Inherited from TComponent.
Observers Inherited from TComponent.
Owner Inherited from TComponent.
PixelsPerInch protected Returns the DPI value corresponding to the component’s current scaling factor. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent.
Scalable protected Specifies if the component’s content should be scaled. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent.
ScaleFactor protected Returns the component’s scaling factor. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent.
ShowDescription Specifies whether to show an enhanced or a standard ScreenTip.
StandardFooter Specifies footer settings common to a number of ScreenTips.
Tag Inherited from TComponent.
VCLComObject Inherited from TComponent.


Name Description
Assign(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayFunctionEvent,Untyped[],TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayProc,Untyped[],TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayProcedureEvent,Untyped[],TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncFunctionEvent,TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncProcedureEvent,TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TProc,TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke<TResult>(TAsyncConstArrayFunc<TResult>,Untyped[],TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke<TResult>(TFunc<TResult>,TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
ChangeScale(Integer,Integer) protected Scales the component and the associated controls and/or UI elements using the specified numerator and denominator values. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent.
DestroyComponents Inherited from TComponent.
Destroying Inherited from TComponent.
EndFunctionInvoke(IAsyncResult) Inherited from TComponent.
EndInvoke(IAsyncResult) Inherited from TComponent.
EndInvoke<TResult>(IAsyncResult) Inherited from TComponent.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
ExecuteAction(TBasicAction) Inherited from TComponent.
FindComponent(String) Inherited from TComponent.
FreeNotification(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
FreeOnRelease Inherited from TComponent.
GetChildren(TGetChildProc,TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner Inherited from TPersistent.
GetParentComponent Inherited from TComponent.
HasParent Inherited from TComponent.
InsertComponent(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
IsImplementorOf(IInterface) Inherited from TComponent.
Loaded protected Initializes the component following the application form loading. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent.
Notification(TComponent,TOperation) Inherited from TComponent.
ReferenceInterface(IInterface,TOperation) Inherited from TComponent.
RemoveComponent(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
RemoveFreeNotification(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
ScaleForPPI(Integer) Scales the component according to the specified DPI value. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent.
SetParentComponent(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
SetSubComponent(Boolean) Inherited from TComponent.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
UpdateAction(TBasicAction) Inherited from TComponent.
See Also