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TdxScreenTipRepository.ShowDescription Property

Specifies whether to show an enhanced or a standard ScreenTip.


property ShowDescription: Boolean read; write; default True;

Property Value

Type Default
Boolean True


An enhanced ScreenTip contains three sections – header, description, and footer. Each section can display an explanatory image and/or a descriptive text (see the section’s Glyph and Text properties).

A standard ScreenTip only shows a header section containing a descriptive text.

The ShowDescription property is applied to all ScreenTips contained in the repository. Set this property to True to use enhanced ScreenTips. Otherwise, standard ScreenTips will be displayed.


If a descriptive text is not specified for a particular control or a ScreenTip’s UseHintAsHeader property is set to True, a hint message (see the control’s Hint property) will be shown instead.

The default value of the ShowDescription property is True.

See Also